Any of you know about vendors that will send to illegal states? I don't want to drop seeds this go round. I want a good pheno out of the box. I know PinkboxClones has in the past, But I've heard conflicting info that their strains aren't what they claim. Any info is appreciated.
Antie Jane is the only one I can recommend. Ive used pink box and Shinobi and I wouldn't recommend either of them. Pink box sent me a white truffle that had the hop latent viroid, Shinobi will send you dead clones and never respond to you again.
Any of you know about vendors that will send to illegal states? I don't want to drop seeds this go round. I want a good pheno out of the box. I know PinkboxClones has in the past, But I've heard conflicting info that their strains aren't what they claim. Any info is appreciated.

Depends on what strain you want. No vendor carries everything. The above listed have a good rep. Plenty of new vendors popping up as well. You typically get what you pay for.

edit: typo
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Any of you know about vendors that will send to illegal states? I don't want to drop seeds this go round. I want a good pheno out of the box. I know PinkboxClones has in the past, But I've heard conflicting info that their strains aren't what they claim. Any info is appreciated.

I guarantee you my man, every single vendor on there will send you clones no matter what state you're in.
I hit Jane today still aint respond the fact the states he tests post his ipm regimen and is charging 50 is solid to me

there’s only two cuts I want back is the legend and fpog cereal cut

Dookie is cool I spoke to him about the sour I passed tho .. I’ve been reading lately the Chaco cut Aint sour idk how cause 10 years ago that was the cut and I think the cut Rez used before it was passed out .. i “think” .. then you have people saying the aj cut ain’t sour some say it’s diesel but I believe topdawg seeds is based off the aj cut

Sour is trendy rn so there’s a bunch of “breeders” making sour it’s making it even worse to track stuff down ..
If there is one exception to "you get what you pay for" for me at this time, I would say Aunt jane is it. $50 healthy clone is about as cheap as you are going to get with out visiting a shop in person.

im myself planning to put a protocol for new clone,i've learn the hard way with pest and disease, i will upgrade my mushroom labs for tissu culture and go for meristem culture , in hope to get rid of potential viruses, labs test are affordable now so i can quickly know wich have viruses and start trying to get rid of the viruses before putting it with my others mothers , that way i wont have to worry about if they are healty or not as long as a can culture them its all good
im myself planning to put a protocol for new clone,i've learn the hard way with pest and disease, i will upgrade my mushroom labs for tissu culture and go for meristem culture , in hope to get rid of potential viruses, labs test are affordable now so i can quickly know wich have viruses and start trying to get rid of the viruses before putting it with my others mothers , that way i wont have to worry about if they are healty or not as long as a can culture them its all good
Once you see how crazy fragile it can be you realize the need. It was like a wave that HPLvD took over. Especially out in Cali. You may not be able to predict or prevent new things that there is not much knowledge about but definitely use what we have already acquired to improve and prevent going forward.
Once you see how crazy fragile it can be you realize the need. It was like a wave that HPLvD took over. Especially out in Cali. You may not be able to predict or prevent new things that there is not much knowledge about but definitely use what we have already acquired to improve and prevent going forward.

Prevention first , some of my friend take it bad when I don't grow their clone right away but I don't thrust anyone except labs recept
I am on Strainly quite a bit. There are some very solid breeders/chuckers creating some solid crosses. I am 4 weeks into flower on a pollen chuck.
I took Kropduster's MAC crasher bx1 male to make f2's and a few crosses. MCBx1 #3 is getting her fade on before everyone else.
Here's a pic of the male from a week ago.
I plan on grabbing his variety pack of 5 beans from 5 different strains and working through them.
Glad Strainly is still around.
I ordered clones from 5 sellers on strainly. All $50-100 each. It's been 2 weeks and I only recieved 3 orders, one guy actually told me his dogs ate his clones and still hasn't refunded me! Out of the 5 sellers I can only vouch for Bens Nursery who got a great looking clone to me overnight (blue dream), and I can half-vouch for Shinobi Cuts who took about a week to ship but the cut looks decent & seems it will rebound (wedding cake).