I also see more folks doin snips, tighten that clone game and sell snips lol . Man it’s tempting, but the season is all wrong
I co-sign this message...
I got some sad news from someone that I respect the fuck out of for doing it big in 2018-2019-2020
I mean the guy was living my fucking dream...now its low key over.
snippets seem logical only because
1. they fill a ziplock very neat...A1 for shipping
no cubes, no moisture, just clip nodes, seal, & air mail......(( Ill TSA those fuckers like seeds...))
2. they can be quick washed/hot bath in neem & H2O2 & RO...clonex makes a solution 1-0.6-1 ...1 minute each...then dip in Clonex Gel.
If Mites & Thrips can survive that...fuck it...Ill take a cash loss. 5 Grand in clones is serious...prop trays or ziplocks
((If this were 2013, we could atleast go to a cannabis cup & low key fill up prop trays with verified LEGIT cuttz...))..WTF am I talking about the 2022 Cup is in May-June...I might just go on tour bitch. MI to IL to CO to CA...Fuck Yeah!!! Im In...
3.They are in a perfect sweet spot for The Underground:
A. They force the buyer to at least try to root a clone...instead of pawning the work off on the source. ((get your fucking hands DIRTY SLUTS))
B. They meet a economic honey zone...for hobbyist. ((We are the only ones that Actually Give A Fuck about Strain lineage))
C. Once again, If you are an elite member of the community you can still make bank WITH A FORUM BASED Hierarchy....
Mother Source Verified...Access Point Verified...Hobbyist Verified...Day Traders Vetted...$5000 a cutt for the "MEGA lo Marts"
I think with the right protocol...We could blend seed hunters into a private FORUM ONLY clone collectors WETT DREAM!! ((SensiStarXBlueDream))
I mean incentives FOR NOOBS to buy packs...& sex directly to snips...for a mutual benefit. Thats still Hunting...
Noobs can pop more packs & do massive hunts cause they outsource in a relay to more seasoned HOBBYIST.
Somebody shoot all this down...