You are right. I started looking into them a bit more. This is their Instagram and I gotta say for me Veteran owned makes me want to support them. I sent a question to the costumer support and hopefully they get back soon. The IG is very reassuring though and my bets are on legit.
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Their IG legit only have a few flower pics, like 7 or 8 flower pics out of over 300 pics. Mostly all just veg pics on their ig, even the flower pics look like possible screenshots and like 3 of the flower pics are all trop cherry. By the way everyone I know is over trop cherry, pretty looking bud but I couldn't even give thay stuff away for free....biggest complaints about trop cherry was shit potency and most I knew didn't like the terps or tired of them quick. Also I know the trop cherry cut that is widely circulated is know to be HpLVD positive.
Calicloneco could be legit only time will tell once you and a few others on here flower out the cuts. Their prices are great and it's what rooted cuts should go for these days. Most rollitupers are going to be skeptical of caliclones and rightfully so... in my tiny bit of research since yesterday didn't find much info on them at all. No reviews or grow reports on reddit or any of the other grow forums. I have to check out discord.
You should definitely keep a close eye on these cuts, properly quarantine them and definitely have some pest/pm maintenance/management ready to go. Also look for signs of HpLVD in veg and flower, the main being there's not alot of vertical growth especially once you hit stretch and flowered some, HpLVD plants will just grow horizontally outward and once colas are forming and budding branches and shoots will snap easily.
I wish you the best with your grow, please try and report back here or make a post with updates because I'm definitely curious and would also like to see if strains are really the strains they say they are, that's another thing I'd be a bit worried about.
Anyways here's a pic of a hop latent viroid plant in flower from over a few years ago. It had tell tale signs of hop latent with barely no stretch in flower and colas snapping like crazy later in flower. They all came from the same mother clone and some were infected worse than others, thus this is how HpLVD works. I was in a jam and needed cuts for a cheap price and got the clones from Maine clone co at the time. Once I grew them out and flowered their cuts I told them I suspected their cuts had some sort of viroid/dudding disease and they said they didn't know anything about it, (don't think alot of people knew about HpLVD at the time.) Well after this they obviously didn't hear from me as I wasn't going to pick up clones ever again from them, then I got a call from them over a year later and they said I was right about the viroid thing-they ended up trashing their whole entire clone stock because of a massive HpLVD outbreak in their indoor facility. HpLVD was on pretty much on all their clone strains. I have to add they did somewhat make it right and gave me a $2k credit to their seedbank- northalanticseedcompany for seeds but at the same time that grow cost me huge. I stopped growing for a few months and got rid of everything, my buddy got some cuts and it fucked his indoor grow also. $2K credit was a very nice thing to do and I was very appreciative but being honest their HpLVD positive clones cost me well over 5x that number in the long run, probably more.
Just be careful out there, for educational purposes here is plant in flower infected with HpLVD thay I got from the Mainecloneco. Its very noticeable, believe I took the pic right after stretch, 2 or so + weeks. Some of the other strains were even worse, they dudded out and were toast by day 45 in flower, just awful stuff, trust me you don't want this stuff in your garden. Sorry for the long winded post, just trying to share some knowledge with fellow growers. Last pic is a platinum cake which dudded out hard-it yellowed out very quick which is unusual, also if I even slightly backed into or grazed plant with an arm or leg the branches would snap like nothing.. the strain in the last pic didn't flower much more past that point in the pic, I chopped and binned it by day 45.