Strains for Sleep Edibles


Active Member
Hello all,

I have an older relative (60s) dealing with terrible insomnia. Was hoping for some recommendations on strains helping with sleep, preferably something that translates well to edibles.

Anything autoflower would be ideal since my green thumb is still developing!
Oh gosh, one of the best ever is Critical Mass. Let it get nice and ripe and you can't go wrong with it. Another is Black Domina. I would check out Delicious seeds, they actually sell a Black Domina x Critical called Sugar Black Rose that would be ideal for you, plus they have other critical and BD crosses. Also, you can get a couple of different Black Domina types from AKBB-you can search for the AK Bean Brains thread in the search function, click on search title, then you can use Black Domina as a keyword and search within the thread to see some pics/info. AKBB sells direct and also at places like JBC Seeds. Good luck!
Oh gosh, one of the best ever is Critical Mass. Let it get nice and ripe and you can't go wrong with it. Another is Black Domina. I would check out Delicious seeds, they actually sell a Black Domina x Critical called Sugar Black Rose that would be ideal for you, plus they have other critical and BD crosses. Also, you can get a couple of different Black Domina types from AKBB-you can search for the AK Bean Brains thread in the search function, click on search title, then you can use Black Domina as a keyword and search within the thread to see some pics/info. AKBB sells direct and also at places like JBC Seeds. Good luck!
I have to agree on the Critical Mass, that's what we use. CM and Big Bud are about the same. If you are going for a tincture I'd use MCT instead of alcolol. It tastes better with no burn.

My wife (otherwise a non-user) takes about a half dropper before bedtime.
14 grams bud infused 1 cup MCT. Infuse the same as coconut oil. It works for her.

EDIT: Decarbed bud.
I’m looking for that one strain to knock me out, but Do-Si-Dos and Sweet Zombie are working for me right now. Use to be a combo of Blueberry and Black Domina before this.
I make killer cookies.
Betty Crocker cookie mix - I like the oatmeal chocolate chip- but any that call for butter is good- brownie mix also.
Easy cannabutter recipe-
Break up and remove stems from around an ounce of good trim or buds
Decarb on a tray in the oven at 250 degrees for 1 hour.
Remove from oven and let cool a bit
Set the oven to 275- the butter won’t boil because the oven is indirect heat, it just simmers.
Spray the herb on the tray with grain alcohol being sure to get good coverage and mixing it around a bit and spraying dry areas- not soaking wet- just misted.
Let the herb dry a bit.
Melt 4 sticks of butter and 1/3 cup olive oil at low heat
Add the herb to the melted butter and stir gently
Cover the pot and place in the 275 oven for 3-4 hours- removing from oven to stir every 30 minutes or so.
Strain the hot butter into a glass bowl with a screen type strainer.- pressing the last drops of butter from the strainer.
Chill the bowl of butter and store in fridge for any recipe that calls for butter

I have used some of the mash from the strainer along with a 1/2 cup of the cannabutter into the cookie mix

I have also decarbed 1/2 to 3/4 oz of weed and spray with grain and add that directly into the cookie mix or even better- brownie mix- along with the cannabutter the recipe calls for.

I carefully use a small scooper and make an effort to make each cookie the same size- it is the only way to regulate the dose.

I also have to try one to evaluate the potency before sharing.

At this point my wife is afraid of them-
Friends who never got high on edibles are hooked-
I eat 2 and 2 hours later- good night.

Eat 1 in the daytime for a nice high.

I don’t know the exact mg of thc per cookie- but based on my experience with thc pills- they are 120-150 and possibly more.
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I have used some of the mash from the strainer along with a 1/2 cup of the cannabutter into the cookie mix
I mix my "mash" with peanut butter and make firecrakers. I only drain, not squeez. It keeps the oil nicer. After draining it goes into the food processor and ground to as fine as posible, mixed into my homemade peanut butter, and spread on crackers. I just keep it in the frig and spread it on a cracker anytime.