Strains, hybrids, genetic diversity and plant vitality

OK, Oregon Measure 91 in November, and expected to pass, will allow the grow of four plants. Oregon Medical Marijuana Card will allow a personal grow of six plants.

Candidly "Old School" here . . . I remember when pot went for $10 a lid. We'd buy a kilo in TX for about $75. Last time I grew plants they were Sativa from seeds out of the stash -- "Mexican Ditch Weed" or some variant -- they grew to 8' height, full and bushy.

Ed Rosenthal in "Marijuana Cold -- Trash to Stash" notes that the fan leaves on a plant contain between 20% and 50% of the THC concentrations found in the bud. (Lots of variables) The objection to smoking leaf is that it is harsh, and you need to smoke a lot. Vaporizers solve this problem. Additionally, Rosenthal provides several simple methods for extracting the glands from the leaves (Kief). Essentially straining the leaf over a screen of 100 lines per inch. In Nepal, Morocco, Afghanistan, etc. they use silk fabric for screening. Stainless steel is more durable.

Moving on . . .

I am concerned that all this cross breeding, hybridizing, and high tech horticulture is producing a less genetically diverse and less vital plant. I'm just looking to grow some "Mexican Ditch Weed" outdoors in the Pacific NW. Maybe set up a hothouse structure off the side of the barn. (I'm a Master Gardener.)

Back to 1967 . . . Just looking for some run of the mill, diverse Sativa seeds, Grow them in dirt, under the sun and stars, not obsess about hybrids, soil, water, light cycles.

The objective in all this is preservation of the diversity, before we lose the "heirloom varieties" like we have with apples, tomatoes, dogs and cats.

-- Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, a lot of heirloom strains are already corrupted. Truthfully, I grow sativas regularly, I find it hard to justify the difficulty to grow and the end product. Hybrids that carry the sativa traits are much better overall IMO.


Well-Known Member
OK, Oregon Measure 91 in November, and expected to pass, will allow the grow of four plants. Oregon Medical Marijuana Card will allow a personal grow of six plants.

Candidly "Old School" here . . . I remember when pot went for $10 a lid. We'd buy a kilo in TX for about $75. Last time I grew plants they were Sativa from seeds out of the stash -- "Mexican Ditch Weed" or some variant -- they grew to 8' height, full and bushy.

Ed Rosenthal in "Marijuana Cold -- Trash to Stash" notes that the fan leaves on a plant contain between 20% and 50% of the THC concentrations found in the bud. (Lots of variables) The objection to smoking leaf is that it is harsh, and you need to smoke a lot. Vaporizers solve this problem. Additionally, Rosenthal provides several simple methods for extracting the glands from the leaves (Kief). Essentially straining the leaf over a screen of 100 lines per inch. In Nepal, Morocco, Afghanistan, etc. they use silk fabric for screening. Stainless steel is more durable.

Moving on . . .

I am concerned that all this cross breeding, hybridizing, and high tech horticulture is producing a less genetically diverse and less vital plant. I'm just looking to grow some "Mexican Ditch Weed" outdoors in the Pacific NW. Maybe set up a hothouse structure off the side of the barn. (I'm a Master Gardener.)

Back to 1967 . . . Just looking for some run of the mill, diverse Sativa seeds, Grow them in dirt, under the sun and stars, not obsess about hybrids, soil, water, light cycles.

The objective in all this is preservation of the diversity, before we lose the "heirloom varieties" like we have with apples, tomatoes, dogs and cats.

-- Just a thought.
To think I could have written that some 10 years ago, before the great UK push on the nth American market! Growing sativa s successfully outdoors in the PNW ...indeed you are a Gardner tho very misguided one wanting to grow ditch weed, stop the shit, get a life, and get some seeds, you will find many many variatiions of some great strains going all the way back to A.Gold. etc etc

Most of the Mexican ditch weed was Hybridized too sad to say by the early 90s .. In the end you can still find those old land races but most times not from my experience you have to grow a large amount to find anything special compared to proven genetics that can be found yet , just stay away from the poly hybrids and anything that sounds like it was named by a child and you ll be better off .. Half if not more of the preservation seeds sold are often more fiber dom than they are of the recessive drug type ..

Man has already fucked up the Cannabis genetic pool and the majority of it will not be even worth a damn if this continues .. It took eons for dope to be shaped and formed by selection and within a few decades the majority of the best has been lost due to poor breeding management and the nature of human greed intervening with an ancient plant that was revered by all a time long ago