strange experience with femaleseeds...

obviously i can go back and delete the posts (which is what i planned on doing in the first place). upon creation of the thread i was unaware that there were any seeds contained within the package at all. mainly because of the fact that a password i frequently use for online accounts was printed on the front of the envelope. a password that this company should have absolutely no access to. see why this post is warranted now? i still want answers as to 1) how they even got my password and 2) why they wrote BTW*mypassword* on the envelope.

and what do you not generally do? attack someone with childish insults? maybe you should continue your restraint from doing such things as it makes you look like an ignorant, rude prick. now as you can see the posts containing any information that should not be available to the public have been removed, as i intended to do in the first place. i actually logged into the site just now to do this, but of-course i have some asshole commenting on my thread with derogatory insults.

i'm 19 years old. i'm willing to bet you are much older than i. how about we try behaving like adults from now on? sound like a deal?
yawn.... ya, i can see you're above the name calling, lol. age is relative, and you're obviously younger than your years on earth. i'm sorry i called you names, but it still seems to apply.
maybe the custom agents are sifting thru the seeds for there own personal grows.. if I had a girlfriend or significant other working customs and I was a caregiver or legal grower. I would have some damn good breeds for free..
maybe the custom agents are sifting thru the seeds for there own personal grows.. if I had a girlfriend or significant other working customs and I was a caregiver or legal grower. I would have some damn good breeds for free..

Well, sometimes revealing your true character isnt a good thing... Atleast now we know.
obviously i can go back and delete the posts (which is what i planned on doing in the first place). upon creation of the thread i was unaware that there were any seeds contained within the package at all. mainly because of the fact that a password i frequently use for online accounts was printed on the front of the envelope. a password that this company should have absolutely no access to. see why this post is warranted now? i still want answers as to 1) how they even got my password and 2) why they wrote BTW*mypassword* on the envelope.

and what do you not generally do? attack someone with childish insults? maybe you should continue your restraint from doing such things as it makes you look like an ignorant, rude prick. now as you can see the posts containing any information that should not be available to the public have been removed, as i intended to do in the first place. i actually logged into the site just now to do this, but of-course i have some asshole commenting on my thread with derogatory insults.

i'm 19 years old. i'm willing to bet you are much older than i. how about we try behaving like adults from now on? sound like a deal?
Don't sweat it. Its all fun and games really, so I don't let all the FUCKING ASSHOLES on this site bring you down. (Sam Kinnison anyone? RIP) lol.
maybe the custom agents are sifting thru the seeds for there own personal grows.. if I had a girlfriend or significant other working customs and I was a caregiver or legal grower. I would have some damn good breeds for free..
Personally I suspect the mail man, don't tell me the fucker can't put his hand on one of those green tape roll from the custom or at least a good imitation. Then the next step he simply compare the zip code of the package he get from UK ( what else are they selling plum pudding ???) to those of the major seeds bank open the package, then tape it in green and bang you lost your seeds.

Fuck those mail man they must have large seeds collection
i miss mark emry, his seed co was the best...funny story, a friend of mine had bought seeds, and left them in the cardboard in a kitchen cabinet, long story shor, went to get the seeds and a mouse had eaten the seeds out the little bastard ate 200 dollars in
yawn.... ya, i can see you're above the name calling, lol. age is relative, and you're obviously younger than your years on earth. i'm sorry i called you names, but it still seems to apply.
Nice reply to a legitimate gripe. How old are you, may I ask?
Unless you know someone pretty well, which you don't in my case, don't start an issue by calling someone a dumb fuck, without getting bitched back at. That is simply human nature ( not calling you anything in return is an exception where I come from) Give the guy a break, it really is nothing to get fucking exited about.
based upon america's definition for marijuana, seeds are considered marijuana. however, 'sterile' seeds are absolutely legal. and when a website is advertising the sale as a souvenir the consumer is safe in assuming the seed will be sterile, therefore, from a legal standpoint, absolutely no legal action can be taken against you for possession of ungerminated marijuana seeds. there has to at the least be proof that you had intent on germinating the seed you purchased. otherwise you are in the clear.

why do you think when a seed package is intercepted a search warrant isn't issued on the address? if seeds were actually 100% illegal then that would mean a seizure of a seed shipment would be enough probable cause to obtain a search warrant due to the possibility of an illegal grow operation taking place at the residence. however, since the seeds could have been sterile, and are most definitely being sold as a souvenir, there isn't a judge in this country that would sign a warrant due to the interception of a seed package.

tl;dr seeds are illegal, AND they are legal.

You are not ordering sterile seeds.

Please understand that seeds are considered the same as the plant in the USA.
You are not ordering sterile seeds.

Please understand that seeds are considered the same as the plant in the USA.
from a legal standpoint i can not get in trouble for possession of marijuana seeds i bought from a website claiming to sell souvenirs. even if i were charged, what do you think the penalty for having 3 seeds would be? i doubt it's anything too extreme.
from a legal standpoint i can not get in trouble for possession of marijuana seeds i bought from a website claiming to sell souvenirs. even if i were charged, what do you think the penalty for having 3 seeds would be? i doubt it's anything too extreme.

Sure you can get in trouble.. They can charge you with possession of if they really wanted to i believe
I believe the word is "intent"

Its called conspiracy to manufacture.
from a legal standpoint i can not get in trouble for possession of marijuana seeds i bought from a website claiming to sell souvenirs. even if i were charged, what do you think the penalty for having 3 seeds would be? i doubt it's anything too extreme.

I know its insane to call it that. Growing can be charged as manufacturing.

Sure its lax in a med state.

Tell you what. Go to a place like Virginia that it is illegal and have mandatory minimum sentencing and call the local PD and tell them you have seeds. See what happens.
To the OP, congrats on getting your goods! If you don't think sites are not being monitored your sorely mistaken, take a look at this
Just one crazy example, and that's not even marijuana seeds... I have read also the occasional claim of people getting raided shortly after getting a green tape package... I know I just got the green tape recently myself for the very first time after SEVERAL orders from different banks... Sure I'm a bit sketched out as also my beans even after being "examined" we're still in there (another testament to some
Mighty fine stealth, which I just think for everyone's sake it's best not to disclose stealth methods of any sort)
The way I look at it, is if they want you they are going to get you... I continue to take the gamble as if they ever did come after me I don't believe a med patient growing just for themselves and no one else who has never sold won't get to much, but you better bet it would still be beyond a hassle and bad news ;( definitely would force me to move to a more free state...
Hopefully one day this hypocritcy will end and we will see grow kits with seeds and all you need sold at your local Walmart sans the damn little beer brew kits you can buy which are perfectly legal and imo and fact alcohol is much more of public hazard than marihuana could ever be and its legal...
I grow to medicate to help my MS so I can be a productive working tax paying citizen vs taking their legal opioids to help ease the pain and end up not being able to function and end up on ssi... Go figure...
Good luck with your grow OP!
Nice reply to a legitimate gripe. How old are you, may I ask?
Unless you know someone pretty well, which you don't in my case, don't start an issue by calling someone a dumb fuck, without getting bitched back at. That is simply human nature ( not calling you anything in return is an exception where I come from) Give the guy a break, it really is nothing to get fucking exited about.
lol, well i read my post and his. mine sounds like a reply, his sounds like a rant. it ain't nothing but a thang...
Why didn't you email the seed bank and ask them about your order?
If it was something other than seeds you'd be chasing down the seller via email right?
Generally they go out of their way to help their customers, if they ask.
Bullshit, not female seeds, they are horrible service.
I won't ever order from these bastards again. They screwed up a bunch of orders by not putting the state on the address labels. Packages never arrived, they will not fix their mistake.
from a legal standpoint i can not get in trouble for possession of marijuana seeds i bought from a website claiming to sell souvenirs. even if i were charged, what do you think the penalty for having 3 seeds would be? i doubt it's anything too extreme.

Well like they say hope in one hand and shit in the other to see which fills faster.

Ignorance does not supercede the law. You most certainly would be in trouble and you most certainly could face jail time in many states over something as small as 3 seeds.. You might want to check local and federal laws before you start spreading serious misinformation about subjects of this nature on a site of this nature.

How much do you think having a gram of hash would be? In some states that could net you a 5+ year sentence. ONE GRAM OF HASH=5 YEARS IN JAIL. The MINIMUM for 1 gram of hash is 2 years MANDATORY sentence. So yeah, check your local and federal laws.