need 2 make or buy a sulfur burner A(make one for like 25$) I know that is what killed my plants, literally dried em up one day and they were so crunchy the next a small pinch crumbled the leaf..mostly fan leafs, right?
but works it's way inward and all over...I have some baby seedlings now and 3 r showing signs of it...I am hoping I just gave em too much nutes, but I don't think so since it's only those 3 affected.
I found a great thing to read if your into studying this shit, look up rust fungus on marijuana plants, there will be a wikipedia responce, read that sucker, lots of good info..I know why I'm getting it...not the best intake/output of air, in fact tonight I tore my fans apart to clean them inside out!
Best of luck to you..
from what I read any foliar nutes will kill it,or slow it down, it however doesn't seem to respond to typical anti fungals.
I thought of trying foliar spraying a small amount baking soda/ alt w/ vinegar, it'll make the PH so these bastards can't spread.(try just on 1 lower leaf to see how the plant tolerates it first)
I'm a newb, but have had almost every complication and still trying for my "first harvest", so I have picked up a few things thanks to some generous spirits here on RIU!!!
Best of luck to ya and happy growin!