Strange spots on my leaves!!

Aerogarden 3.jpgAerogarden 2.jpgAerogarden 1.jpg
My babies just started getting spotty this week :/
they are in an aeroponic system and i'm thinking it may be due
to PH, is that it?
Or maybe something is wrong with the light? Any suggestions? thanks!


Well-Known Member
looks like a mag defficiency but it could be caused from a ph problem like you think .. were you able to check it? ,,, pretty sure it should be around 5.8 or so for aero ... sorry couldnt be more help


Well-Known Member
if pH is ok, then its either manganese or phosphorus deficiency. both of which the plant needs little of in vegetative, but still needs it.
dont be afraid to add a lil more nitrogen too, they are a light green color, and can definately benefit from more N.
and get some fingernail polish woman!

=) good luck

*also, pH stuff, testers, up/down, can be purchased at walmart/target/pet stores for cheap, fish section. NOT POOL SECTION <- that stuff isnt plant safe.


Active Member
yes, I lost my last crop of bubblelicious to rust, nobody seems to have much info on "rust" however.
Google only comes up with very few things (mostly my RIU posts, lol) but I have new thc snow babies and 3 of the 6 have the beginnings of it, I read a sulfer burner let stand in the room without fans on several hours, but don't know for how long, etc.
I actually read using nutes as foliar spray would make the leafs inhospitable to the rust, but tried it, no change...I am still on first and 2nd sets of leafs though...I have some sad pics of how fast this stuff can kill your plants if you do nothing, not many seem to know about it, or say it's a mag def.
Will show ya my pretty bubbles and then again a few days later..I ended up pulling them all up, leafs got crunchy after turning rust colored, and my PH was perfect the entire time.I was only able to find 1 thread that mentioned using a sulfer burner and it killed the fungi..
Here is another thread i found that had info on the sulfer burner..



Active Member
damn, sorry just realized this was an old thread...still relevant, many ppl are getting this and nobody seems to have the correct info on killing it.


Well-Known Member
got the same problem myself, could be calcium deficiency,leaf spot fungus,ph,heat stress,list goes on.

been googlin it for 2 days non stop,cant find the answer im looking for. best of luck!!


Active Member
need 2 make or buy a sulfur burner A(make one for like 25$) I know that is what killed my plants, literally dried em up one day and they were so crunchy the next a small pinch crumbled the leaf..mostly fan leafs, right?
but works it's way inward and all over...I have some baby seedlings now and 3 r showing signs of it...I am hoping I just gave em too much nutes, but I don't think so since it's only those 3 affected.
I found a great thing to read if your into studying this shit, look up rust fungus on marijuana plants, there will be a wikipedia responce, read that sucker, lots of good info..I know why I'm getting it...not the best intake/output of air, in fact tonight I tore my fans apart to clean them inside out!
Best of luck to you..
from what I read any foliar nutes will kill it,or slow it down, it however doesn't seem to respond to typical anti fungals.
I thought of trying foliar spraying a small amount baking soda/ alt w/ vinegar, it'll make the PH so these bastards can't spread.(try just on 1 lower leaf to see how the plant tolerates it first)
I'm a newb, but have had almost every complication and still trying for my "first harvest", so I have picked up a few things thanks to some generous spirits here on RIU!!!

Best of luck to ya and happy growin!