Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow


Well-Known Member
your critical sensi looks more critical than sensi.... but you are doing very well indeed.... keep it up..... I would really like to give you some rep when you HARVEST!

That sounds real awesome man thanks I'm looking forward to my first harvest like I'm having a child, haha


Well-Known Member
First time doing it right eh? You coulda fooled me. Looks like you have everything under control. You picked amazing genetics, you have great soil, a nice light, digital ph pen, dang bro youre all set.

We all love pictures man, keep it up!

Later - bigtomatofarmer

alright good to hear i appreciate all the feedback guys!


Well-Known Member
I like my plants short, if i was you i wouldnt even move the light up...

I like fat dense buds ;)
I defiantly like the sound of that, i think what im gunna do is kinda stretch it then bring the light closer to develop it more then once it gets nice and bushy move the light and stretch again, idk if anyones ever heard of something like this being done, if so was it efficient? or would it be a waste of my effort?


Well-Known Member
I've tricked out the apartment closet before and didn't have much success. Ventilation was the big prob and then the bugs got to em. How are you going to ventilate? Neem oil can help with spider mites but be careful cuz it can hurt your plants if its too strong. Good luck & can't wait to see new pics!
well if the bugs get to them ... i'll cry. haha. as far as ventilation goes i just have an 18' fan buried in my closet that i'll turn on occasionally but at the hight i have my light at now, i dont even need ventilation, however my grow room isn't sealed up my any means so a lot of the hot air just flows out of the closet adding a lot of warmth to my room which is nice in such a cold city brr. Also where i live the ceiling is made up of those cheap panel ceiling tiles that we used to throw pencils at in high school as kids, so i think a lot of hot air just goes right above that to the empty apartment above me


Well-Known Member
sadly..... Im gunna have to add being a caregiver to my "income" occupations.....
Haha well if it weren't so complicated i'd join your list of patients, and pay to ship, I've got some anxiety troubles and no health insurance at the moment so that was my excitement behind strawberry cough =(


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are a contractor or doctor... haha j/k.

Playbo, Id give ya some rep for this journal but Ive given too much out.... So it will have to wait/ Keep the updates coming man

sounds awesome man it'll be a minimum of 2 months before i harvest anyways and thats assuming i put them into flowering today, which im not, so id appreciate it any time man and ill def stay current with updates i try to update with pics every Monday or Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
In the meantime, heres some DANK that i found out someone in my girlfriends family was trying to secretly grow outdoors haha we always knew...
Pic #1= Purple shades in the middle
Pic# 2= Skunk or Skunk Special
Pic# 3 = Unknown but damn good



Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure my blue cheese had a little nitrogen deficiency so on the watering today i gave the bigger half of the nute solution to the blue cheese and sprayed it with water that contained only the grow nutrient (5-0-1), the critical sensi star looks amazing! Pics in 2-3 days!


Well-Known Member
Alright so i decided after giving a little extra Nitrogen last night to both of those plants and looking at them this morning... they are dying for more Nitrogen so their last watering before flowering (coming soon) im gunna give them a boost of Veg nutrients to give them one last jump before its time to make beautiful budzzz. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
So today my room mate brings home a supposed lemon sour diesel clone from someone in his families garden, and puts in in my grow room without asking me while im not home, I'm sure he thought I'd be happy about it but this thing is no where near ready to go into flowering and im almost ready not to mention this clone looks on the verge of death, I dont want to be a dick about it cuz hes helped me out a lot but I dont want this thing ruining my harvest at all I told him i'll wait a week and see how its doing, I just gave it some nice veg nutes to hopefully liven it back up, pics tomorrow or the next day.


Active Member
Alright so i decided after giving a little extra Nitrogen last night to both of those plants and looking at them this morning... they are dying for more Nitrogen so their last watering before flowering (coming soon) im gunna give them a boost of Veg nutrients to give them one last jump before its time to make beautiful budzzz. :blsmoke:
Looking forward to the new pics sounds like the ladies are doing well...Ill be watching. :-)


Well-Known Member
so for my next grow i was thinking about getting critical yumbolt and barneys farm LSD, along with two other strains which i still havent decided, has anyone ever had and experience with either of those strains or does anybody have suggestions as to other strains i should consider for my next grow? I kinda wanna grow something that will yield purple buds.


Well-Known Member
Ok so this being the 1 month birthday of my grow I'm uploading 10 pics

1,2 - Critical Sensi Star
3 - Critical Sensi Star Nitrogen deficiency?
4,5 - Blue Cheese
6 - Blue Cheese Nitrogen deficiency?

I was scared that I would nute burn these little babies but I think I have a nitrogen deficiency can anyone tell for sure by the pics? If anyone needs to know more details about the nutes I'm using to help me I'll gladly post the dosages I've been giving them in more detail!

7, 8 - My babies
9, 10- Lemon Sour Diesel clone my room mate brought home I'm going to set my plants into flowering soon but I don't think this little girl is ready for it.



Active Member
oooo I got goose bumps looking at those pics thata boy and as far as that yellowing I am not sure....

Happy Growings