Strawberry Cough or White Lighting Anybody?


Active Member
I ordered strawberry cough and white lighting from Im wondering if anybody has had either of these strains and if so how did u feel about them? and they also gave me 5 free Mazar x Afghan i planted two of these seeds as well, so if u have tried any of these let me know how u liked them. goodlooking and take it easy


Well-Known Member
I did Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough and I did not like the taste, nor the non existant potency. Very good producer, easy to grow, didn't finish on time, good multi harvester, no strawberry taste, melts anxiety, very very mild high. Too mild for me, but I have a high tollerance built up from vaporizing too much weak bud over the years.




Active Member
Man i really hope there a bit differnt, dang i was really hopeing for some good ass shit. To take sum of this anxiety away with the sweet strawberry taste and auroma. Fuck... well anybody order from the place i did let me know how it is.


Well-Known Member
"Man i really hope there a bit differnt"

Most likely they will be, DP's does not appear to be an S1 of the original clone:

Dutch Passion: ""Strawberry Cough" is a hybrid between an Indica and a Sativa. From this hybrid we made a selection having about 80% Sativa influences. We have used this selection for the production of our "Strawberry Cough" Seeds."

As I understand it Strawberry Cough is a clone only strain and these breeders are making their own breeder specific crosses to imitate the clone. As well, you may grow better than me or I might have just gotten a weak mother. Don't sweat it, you'll most likely be happy. I have a med patient with depression and some anxiety problems and he says that the Strawberry Cough I have melted his anxiety within minutes, he liked the taste, and he hadn't built up the tolerance I have so he enjoyed the euphoric high, which he found to be medium strength.

Here's a review from another site. Remember, a variation of this strain won a Canabis Cup, there's got to be something good about it. I just hate it, personal opinion.

"Awsome plant to grow, just watch the PH. After curing for 2 months it was just awsome, perfect medicinal herb, and the more time it cures the better it gets, I cant imagine if it keeps getting better how the effect will be after a year, luckilly i have a bunch, and dont/cant smoke a lot at a time, lol... Sativa and medicinal users will love this one!"




Active Member
Yea thanks man i appreciate that. Your very informative, and sound like u know what your talking about lol. When mine is all said and done i will let you know how it comes out if you would like. Anyhow thanks bud and let me know if u want ill keep you posted.


I just started my first grow of strawberry cough. She's doing quite well. You can check her out on my grow journal.