Street Weed vs Home Grown


Well-Known Member
Just finished my 1st Grow. Made some mistakes along the way. Better prepared and more informed for the next grow.

Historically, what's more potent street vs home grown?
Haven't had 'street weed' in decades, either homegrown or from the dispensary. Don't think think street weed is a thing unless you live in a state where weed is illegal
Here's what i always thought was funny. . ..

The "street weed" we used to get ---- and this is assuming one ponied up for "greenbud" and didn't get the cheap brickweed ----- was always WAY better than the stuff that showed up at dispensaries after it was legalized.

I'm still a big proponent that illegal = better, lol :lol:

Having said that, i still prefer my own homegrown over street or dispo weed, if for only one thing cost effectiveness. I'm still cutting my teeth so each grow does get a lil better than the previous, with rare exception.