Well-Known Member
well yesterday i installed a 4-burner co2 unit in the grow, it seems to be working, but not as fast as i would like it to release co2, so im mixing the tanks and the gen together. my temps are getting high, too high i think, with ppm at 1500 my temps 10 inches below the light are at 95, idk if this is okay, but ireally hope so
=/ that is a lil high man.. but with the help of the Co2... and the fans... it should be ok for a lil bit.. summers ending and the cooloer air/weathers comin sooo hopefully that will also help. my temps get up pretty high as well.. in the 90s. and my plants do ok. i have a fan blowing right above the top of the plants... this helps take sum of the heat off the tops. =) so far everythings lookin good man. keep it up!