Stretch! Advice, please! Thanks!


Active Member
I planted my seeds in peat cups 5 days ago. Unfortunately a few of my seedlings seem to have stretched (they're about 3-3.5" tall). When I move them to bigger pots tomorrow, would it be okay for me to plant the seedlings deeper into the soil so that the dirt comes up almost to the leaves? Or is there another solution that might be better. They're already under a fan.

Thanks for your help!


Well-Known Member
Yes that is exactly what you want to do, when you transplant I'd leave about an inch of stem left above ground...the rest I would bury.

What's your lighting situation? Finding the cause for the stretch is necessary because even once you transplant if the problem is still there they will stretch -again-


Well-Known Member
what lights are u using ?they stretch when lights arent strong or arent close enuff...but yes bury them until there an inch of stem showing and be kind to ure kind...


Active Member

Right now, I'm using 4 23w CFLs. They're maybe 2" from the tops of the tallest seedlings. I'm going to add more when I transplant them. I was juss scared to overwhelm the babies with light. I'm such a no0b.



Well-Known Member

Right now, I'm using 4 23w CFLs. They're maybe 2" from the tops of the tallest seedlings. I'm going to add more when I transplant them. I was juss scared to overwhelm the babies with light. I'm such a no0b.


think of this... outdoors in the sun is kinda like having a 10,000 watt high pressure sodium bulb... you could throw in a dozen cfl and not have to worry about too much light, just taking up too much space


Well-Known Member
a cfl grow would bee good 4 a newbee to..u should check sum of the cfl growz on the siite...iim usin cfl now with good results....


Well-Known Member

Right now, I'm using 4 23w CFLs. They're maybe 2" from the tops of the tallest seedlings. I'm going to add more when I transplant them. I was juss scared to overwhelm the babies with light. I'm such a no0b.


have you moved your lights up since you started growing? if not that is the probably cause of your stretching... a lot of people seem to put cfl's higher like they are using a hps type bulb... they get a lot hotter and throw a lot more light so they can be hung higher up... cfl's are cooler and throw a lot less light, i am using 2 24" 4 watt T5 sunblaster lights to start my seeds... i kept the light no more than 2 inches from the top of my plants, they seem to be doing pretty well so far(check out my grow journal) I have 1 plant that was started later than the rest and it stretched to the height of the other plants, but is nowhere near as developed...

you also didn't say what your grow area is set up like, for example I have panda plastic completely covering the entire area(top, sides, bottom), including the board i have my light's hung from(helps reflects light on plants)...