Stretch growth and LST


Five weeks in to veg I wanna flip it to 12/12. Should I really expect this indica dominant strain to double in size? Do I continue to pull stretch growth under the screen? This is just my second single plant grow... first time trying to scrog

Grow So High

Well-Known Member
Is your plant showing sex yet? You should wait for it to be sexually mature before flowering. Really hard to say how much it will stretch but to put it into perspective my last Indica run was 18” at flip and ended up around 28” after stretch


Is your plant showing sex yet? You should wait for it to be sexually mature before flowering. Really hard to say how much it will stretch but to put it into perspective my last Indica run was 18” at flip and ended up around 28” after stretch
Good point. No, not showing sex yet. I'll wait. I can handle a 50% increase in the space I have.
Theres another plant two weeks behind the larger one that were germed together and I thought one was a dud. I had kinda forgotten about the dud but when I looked two weeks later there was an inch long tap root so I put it in dirt. I doubt I'll have room or patience enuff to wait on the younger one, so it might make an interesting experiment to flip light cycles with one showing sex and the other not.
Thanks for yer help, GSH.