Stretched Plants


Active Member
Well, I guess I started my seedlings to far away from the flourescent lights and they stretched. After getting advise earlier, I supported the 5" plants using paperclips straighted out and I have moved them under a 400W HPS.

Am I wasting my time, or as 1 responder suggested should I start over and put them at 1" under the flourescents at the start?



Active Member
You could pile some more soil up around the base of the stem to help support them..try and keep light as close as possible and they should thicken up. do you have a fan blowing on them?


Well-Known Member
hey man dont let me stear you away from your babeys, growing takes time, At first you win and ya lose. just keep at it and keep that 400 w MH like 3 feet away give or take a few inches, whats the vintalation like in your grow area? seattle wiseguy


Active Member
I do have a fan on them 24/7. The 400W HPS is about 20" above them so they don't get too hot...should they be closer to this light?


Well-Known Member
man 20 is a bit close, if theres not good air going thrue ur room an a nice humitity, ur plants might get alittle dry and crispy, i just got dun going thrue that, but then again i run a 1000 watt hps

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

YO... 20 inches is fine.. keep the fan blowing up towards the light.. thus blowing the heat up and away from your plants...

Put your hand at the top of your plants and leave it there for 30 seconds...

If the heat is ok for your hand, then it is ok for your plants... Lower the light 1 inch every day untill you suspect it is to hot for your plants...

exception.. You may not need to lower the light.... because your plants, if healthy... are about to explode!!


nice pictures!!


Active Member
i usually start with flourecent then switch to hps after my plants like 5-6 inches. but yea 20in. is fine make sure the fans breeze is strong enough to get the stems movin a bit to make thm thicker.