stretching and browning of tips. overwatering?


Hello I consider myself a born again newbie since its been years since my last cultivation...
anyways I have a few questions about my babies .. they popped from the earth around march 24th and have/are stretching quite a bit.. 5 out of 10 but i've placed straws around all of them just incase of toppling. I also have one wrinkling up somewhat and with brown tips.. I'm thinking roots for this one because it had lost some root damage by accident.. (long story) and I my last one thats sorta unhealthy has one leaf curling under on one side. I think it might be overwatering because I've already lost my pride plant "white rhino" due to drowning it with love. Sucked. But I still have a train wreck, blue dream, and some bag kush that may have been a hermi. was very seedy. But I have stepped back from watering and have let the top soil get crisp.. Another thing that has been pondering me is mine look not as plentiful as some I have seen at this stage in growth. I thought this might be due to humidity since it has stayed around 49-51% I've recently gotten up to 57% but would like it a little higher. my currents are hum. 57% temp. 80 fan, air purifier, no nutes yet, two florescent indoor 120w grow lights. whats everyones guess? and thoughts on what I should do?



Well-Known Member
you got more issues than humidity i think......nice idea with the straw never seen that before.....whats your medium?maybe you need some nutes?


Well-Known Member
what is that medium?.............cake mix?

looks like mulch lol. give another plant a go.. that one is gone.. its stretched like hell too.

and the lights look like the ones for 10 dollars at walmart.. if they are, they need to be on top of the plants..


yeah for now those are the cheap ass walmart ones.. i've been planning on upgrading, which I might do today. my medium was just some starter mix to help seeds germinate and start up. It worked awesome when germinating because it kept the soil moist.. then everything sorta just went to shit. you say one is gone? which one? I've heard that if its over stretched you can always just add more soil up to near the bottom leaves. Since it was starter soil I've been thinking of adding nutes just didnt want to overkill it like what had happened with the water. other than that my humidity is at 65 now, and my temp at 80. oh yea .. I also water with distilled, not purified or tap.


Active Member
yeah for now those are the cheap ass walmart ones.. i've been planning on upgrading, which I might do today. my medium was just some starter mix to help seeds germinate and start up. It worked awesome when germinating because it kept the soil moist.. then everything sorta just went to shit. you say one is gone? which one? I've heard that if its over stretched you can always just add more soil up to near the bottom leaves. Since it was starter soil I've been thinking of adding nutes just didnt want to overkill it like what had happened with the water. other than that my humidity is at 65 now, and my temp at 80. oh yea .. I also water with distilled, not purified or tap.
Hi there top up your plants with soil as high as you can and dont add any nutes there is enough in the soil for now,dont worry about humidity temps are fine,and get a better light over them to stop stretching.


ahh no. Well I went out today and got another light but I also just went ahead and bought the mir. grow pot mix.. I know I know i've heard many bad things about miracle grow but I've also seen alot of good about them as well.. but damn no Nutes yet.. and yet I just now finished topping them up with the new soil... thats full of nutes. so .. did i just fuck myself without even getting a kiss? I took a few more pictures of what the setup looks like now.. Oh yeah and also when i was doing the transfer I noticed that some the roots looked sorta dry.. and that two plants had actually lost part of the root system.. is this going to self repair itself or will I need to intervene?



Active Member
ahh no. Well I went out today and got another light but I also just went ahead and bought the mir. grow pot mix.. I know I know i've heard many bad things about miracle grow but I've also seen alot of good about them as well.. but damn no Nutes yet.. and yet I just now finished topping them up with the new soil... thats full of nutes. so .. did i just fuck myself without even getting a kiss? I took a few more pictures of what the setup looks like now.. Oh yeah and also when i was doing the transfer I noticed that some the roots looked sorta dry.. and that two plants had actually lost part of the root system.. is this going to self repair itself or will I need to intervene?

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Wtf.? why have you planted them altogether like that-are there still in there pots if so take them out of there and just top the pots up to the top ,you cannot plant them altogether like that, thats what i meant in my previous post and when there root out the smaller pots pot them on to larger pots etc.


yeah I know.. thats actually temporary because I only have 5 1.5 gallon pots and still need a few more. Since I went ahead and bought a new soil mix I went ahead and used this wooden thing i had laying around.. but the cups are now cut and placed under the top up to try and keep the roots from tangling together. I do plan by ends next week to have all buckets for each one. those things can get expensive when your just starting back up. but ill also bring the cups up to the surface some for now.. I hate to keep having to mess with them during this stage. guahhh! :? but do you think I might put them into a nute lockout now or some sorta shock stress? I guess time will tell if I'll need to flush them out.


well heres an update.. after a month battle of regrowing the root systems and from being stunted. They started to finally 'pop' about 2 weeks ago. And they look a little overwatered because I had just watered them