Stretching like crazy. Is this gunna just be Larf?


Well-Known Member
I am running 2 bag seed OG Kush seeds under a 2000w EnjoyYeild LED using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and Blue Planet Nutrients in 5 gal fabric pots.

Vegged for about 45 days. Flipped on Jan 21st

One is looking fine, this one is stretching real bad though. Moreso than i expected even at this stage.20210202_120630.jpg20210201_135541.jpg

Homegrown Hero

Well-Known Member
Cool. At least there is hope.
Bagseeds are a gamble imo, but a gamble worth the risk. I’ve grown some amazing herb from bagseed, and a few stinkers. The ratio is mostly in favour of good phenos to bad. I just found a Peanut Butter Breath seed I’ll be growing out next round, super excited to pop her


Well-Known Member
In the future I'd try training your buds so you have a more even canopy, that way they have equal access to light and you end up with less larf.

I bent it a few times to encourage branching and then kinda just let it go. Its gained about 6 inches in height since i flipped. Currently highest point is about 20" high. Its not really a full canopy but when i flipped to most of the main tops were equal height.



Well-Known Member
Branches are thick which is always a good sign. If they keep stretching, don't be afraid to supercrop (First squeeze and twist, then start bending). I have supercropped many times even during flowering and the branches that were supercropped produced larger buds most of the time. Good job on the girls bro!


Well-Known Member
Those look like they will pack on some fat knockers by the end. Easy trim job too. They have developed nicely in 12 days since flip imo.