Strict scrutiny... 2A... Gunz... Liberty... in America?

I'm glad I wasn't shot when I was robbed.

I was informed by the court that the guys that robbed my friends and I at gunpoint, that they shot and paralyzed a pizza guy the very next weekend.

I also look back and wish I had done something. 3 of them, 3 of us, all of them smaller than us. When the littlest one put the gun under my chin, I should have taken it from him or died trying. I was scared until he put the gun there. Then I was pissed off. Royaly pissed off.
I'm glad I wasn't shot when I was robbed.

I was informed by the court that the guys that robbed my friends and I at gunpoint, that they shot and paralyzed a pizza guy the very next weekend.

I also look back and wish I had done something. 3 of them, 3 of us, all of them smaller than us. When the littlest one put the gun under my chin, I should have taken it from him or died trying. I was scared until he put the gun there. Then I was pissed off. Royaly pissed off.

You lived through it. I get the anger, but you are still here.
I've let this slide a gajillion times because the grammar police is not something I'm a fan of.

It's would have, should have, could have. It can also be would've, could've, should've. It's never would of, could of or should of.

I've tried to figure out a way to say that without being a grammar natzi. I don't think there is one, but it's a bit of a pet peeve. So.. you're (wanted to put your there just for the hallibut) welcome.

You forgot the other mistakes that are made
Passed, past
lose, loose
its, it's
to, too
there, their, they're
pray, prey
You forgot the other mistakes that are made
Passed, past
lose, loose
its, it's
to, too
there, their, they're
pray, prey
your, you're also

One that I'm guilty of more than I care to admit is the possesive 's when plural is what is meant.

It's why I don't usually do the grammar natzi thing, I am too imperfect myself. The would of thing needed to be stopped! :)
your, you're also

One that I'm guilty of more than I care to admit is the possesive 's when plural is what is meant.

It's why I don't usually do the grammar natzi thing, I am too imperfect myself. The would of thing needed to be stopped! :)
Yeah, I don't usually bring to anyone's attention unless they need a little trolling. If I can understand what they wrote; its all good.
Yeah, Doer would have baffled him with some incomprehensible BS then put a knot on his head.
We need more Doerisms in politics.

What happened? We never see Doer, Beardo or Cannibinear anymore. Or Don Vallejandro either? Good input is missed.

Free the bunny too!!
Was also robbed at gun point. I know exactly what you are saying. I have played the "i shoulda" game more than a few times and it still bothers me.

As you know already, I was to. At 16.
I don't find myself angry and wondering. It was a desperate act from a desperate person.

They only thing I wonder about is: The laws clearly state that if I would have stuck him with that screw driver and killed him it would been self defense.

I'm glad I didn't have to kill him, just by not doing so did this guy escalate and actually hurt or kill someone later on.
If I knew his name I would google it.
As you know already, I was to. At 16.
I don't find myself angry and wondering. It was a desperate act from a desperate person.

They only thing I wonder about is: The laws clearly state that if I would have stuck him with that screw driver and killed him it would been self defense.

I'm glad I didn't have to kill him, just by not doing so did this guy escalate and actually hurt or kill someone later on.
If I knew his name I would google it.

That's what bothers me about my experience. They did ramp it up and paralyzed a guy.
I wouldn't of been shot if my car didn't have a "safety" feature.
Toyotas won't go into drive if the engine is revving too high.

The guy actually pulled the trigger twice. First time the gun didn't go off. Second time it did just as my car finally got into gear.
I wouldn't of been shot if my car didn't have a "safety" feature.
Toyotas won't go into drive if the engine is revving too high.

The guy actually pulled the trigger twice. First time the gun didn't go off. Second time it did just as my car finally got into gear.
Just think, you could have been saved by a clutch.