stripping leafs off plant?


hello, im on my 2nd grow everything went fine last time, but we always want to grow more and do better. talkin to a mate other day and he said he watched a documentry on cannibis growing and it said to trim the leaves off the plant wile it grows, it pushes more thc into the bud making it stronger etc, i dont belive this to be honest beacuse i know plants need the leaves as they act as the solar pannels etc, but has anyone tryed this before? cheers


Well-Known Member
Your hunch is correct, total and utter nonsense, for exactly the reasons you listed, they are the plants main and most effecient energy producers and the bigger the leaf the more effecient it become, so lots of huge fan leaves=lots of huge last harvest did you cut off any leaves during flower(or veg i guess, but flower is more important) because they looked like they were yellowing and starting to die?im sorry if u already know this but i figured i'd say it just in case-, if your later(and some will start halfway,but just start, not full blown like towards the end)in flowering your plant will take all the energy its stored in its leaves for all that time and put it into the buds, so dont remove anything that doesnt come off with a gentle tug. that counts for later in vegging too, the oldest fan leaves will reach the end and the plant will decide to get rid of the leaf so it will first suck out what it wants in the leaf, so cutting leaves just throws that energy away.


Well-Known Member
i agree totally you need these fan leaves to store energy the plant uses during the dark cycle, instead of removing the leaves you can tuck them under flowers or other leaves instead of removing them, as mentioned above the plant will shed the leaves after absorbing what it needs from it. The more foliage the more buds period


Well-Known Member
you know, its a shame that people give people advice thats so terrible. I think thats the number one question that people ask and are misled by.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
i've even been told by people myself "cut the fan leaves off it will focus more energy into the buds" its LIES LIES LIES, i dont cut anyting apart from if im topping a plant, people think of ideas in there head and it makes sense to them so they go with it just because they figured a little story,

so dont cut :)


yeah thats what i thought, i didnt take any leaves off last crop and i havnt this time either. just thought id make sure before he tryed talkin me into it cheers lads


yeah thats just what i thought, no i didnt trim anything last time just let it do what it did naturally. and i wont be messing with them this time either. cheers lads


Well-Known Member
good job, im happy you asked b4 acting, it hurts me to see people come in here after they chop off all the fan leaves and wonder why growth slowed to almost nothing. lol


Active Member
I agree 100% with Dark - fan leaves are a source of energy, Nitrogen stores, and moisture reserves. Cutting them off prematurely does not seem to make much sense given their role. All things being equal, the plant will adapt to its own needs by regulating how many fan leaves to meet its nutrient and energy requirements. Let nature do its thing - we only need to guide and sit back and enjoy the ride.