Strongest strain you have ever smoked?

The strongest couch lock I ever had was some outdoor friends grew in the late 80s. Still one of the most trichome covered buds I have ever seen! One bong rip and you literally couldn't speak for 30 minutes and we never developed a tolerance to it! Watched a lot of cartoons that winter.
Maybe we just put too much but i got some hash with a buddy of amnesia cream lab test said 70%thc.well we took the whole gram made a little snake rolled it in tobaco and smoked it like a joint.i was wasted for a whole day
In the summer of 69 I went into a tent just after lunch with a few friends and one who was just on leave from Vietnam.
We had bong and we smoked the gift from Vietnam, never been so high. We cleared out of the tent after 6 oclock. I was late for dinner.
Have smoked lots of strains but never was as high as I was with that one.
I remember the soldier saying it was Vietnamese Red, but never seen or heard of it since.
Im such a stoner I spent most my smoking days with a tolerance. With out one I have several good memories. Like one time I tried to be somewhere playing it off like I wasnt stoned, I was so limp I couldnt function and walk straight.

I just leaned against a wall all jacked up, drunk like and someone came up and was like.. Time to go home huh? Smoke some more weed? Lmao. I did just that..
The single greatest strain for straight up couch lock.... it's what it's bred for, it was the goal. Hard to get in the USA unless you want to pay $50 for shipping.
BIG BAZOOKA!!!!!!! (Not just bazooka, bazooka is a sativa leaning hybrid...) . It grows awesome, It's Big Bud x Jack Herer. I have not found it available stateside...IF ANYONE KNOWS PLEASE CONTACT ME!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Sensible Seeds, Anesia Seeds carry it, but, 3 seeds, 50 bucks + 50 shipping. I've grown it once, only 1 of 3 germinated, so that was an expensive seed.
Anyone that's grown Big Bud will likely agree, it's a big ass plant. Jack Herer, I think it's crap, but used in many hybrids. Together it's a 30% THC plant with massive yields.
This is just my opinion please don't respond with some jackass response about how I'm wrong about something. It's my opinion.
Bolamintz is the best lol
A pure Hawaiian I smoked in the early 90’s had me and my brother in law laughing so hard he couldn’t drive. Went to the convenience store where I threw money at the register jockey and giggled “take what you need” then laughed all the way out. Got back home and “watched” a movie… I mean sat there staring at the screen. Movie ended and still sat there watching the blue screen… for an hour before coming out of it and heading for bed at midnight. Best ever!