Study: LED Superior to HPS for Cut Gerbera Production

I argue that they suffer 25% reflector losses no matter how fancy the reflector. Also, the photons have to pass through glass, clean or dirty, they get taxed again ~10%

Everything gets dirty. This guy built an industrial washing machine to clean HID reflectors. Go to 4m 40seconds to see the interviewer race the machine.

Yes I agree the COBs surfaces can get dirty. But because they are facing downward, dust will not settle on them. I used to run my HPS with no glass and they still did not perform very well for me compared to LED.
and I love to build anything
Being in commercial construction I sometimes have access to cool materials like lots of aluminum and steel wire ect

I made a led case out of 6065 aluminum. yes I am dumb and bought aluminum because it was called aircraft aluminum and that sounds cool. yes I tried to cold work it and when it sheared the sound broke my ears. live and learn
this may be a weird question but can you mix the two? Say a 400w HPS on top and 2 150w LED panels on the sides? And would the difference from the added LED panels be worth the price?
I can answer this question, As i have Run, a 330 phillips allstart ceramic mh and On either side i ran 1 a51 sgs160, 2 Led panels and one hid in the middle results were phenomenal but just watch the heights of the leds as always.
Well shit man can you pm me some sites:)

i got everything from amazon or ebay. just look up high power leds, and go from there. the most simple design would be to take 2 of these®-150W-Power-Supply-Lighting/dp/B00DR8V8DA/ref=sr_1_7?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1416558629&sr=1-7&keywords=led power supply

and hook them up to one warm watt led#Ask

and one cold®-White-Power-Energy-Saving/dp/B00CZ75TWA/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1416558858&sr=8-3&keywords=high power led

use a generic cpu heatsink with a fan mounted on it. apply thermal paste to back of led and secure to face of heatsink. solder connections to the power supply. mine is similar but instead of a fancy powersupply I used a transformer, a rectifier, and some resistors (they were laying around)
