Study shows MDMA "safer" when used with cannabis...


Well-Known Member
Good stuff, I wish all recreational and habitual drug users researched the drugs they consume in a safe way. I hear way too many people who "think" they know what they are talking about and be completely incorrect and in some cases the information spread could be deadly.


Well-Known Member
Good stuff, I wish all recreational and habitual drug users researched the drugs they consume in a safe way. I hear way too many people who "think" they know what they are talking about and be completely incorrect and in some cases the information spread could be deadly.
Agreed. Although, any smart user must admit, as much as one might want to tend to believe this study, it is but one study of many; and tomorrow it could be proven wrong.


Well-Known Member
I was more on the lines of drugs in general. I wasn't really specific. Honestly take safe doses and smoking marijuana wouldnt be needed to lower chances of neurotoxicity from MDMA but its good to know it helps =D