Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

30 some-odd years ago on the upper Chilliwack River in BC I found what I thought was a fishing spoon embedded in the dirt at a campground I was walking thru to get to a hole where I pulled out 3 steelhead. Turned out it was a regular spoon and it was/is sterling. It sits in a small glass bowl beside our BUNN coffee maker and has stirred every cup of coffee I've had at home since I found it. Wearing the tip down pretty good too. :)

I have similar affections for found objects sometimes
Michigan boy fends off alleged kidnapper by shooting him with a slingshot
A 14-year-old Michigan boy defended his eight-year-old sister from a would-be kidnapper by firing off a slingshot, according to police.

Authorities said a 17-year-old suspect came through the woods of a rural Alpena, Mich., property and grabbed the girl “like you’d see in a movie, his hand over the mouth, arm around the waist,” Alpena Post Lt. John Grimshaw said in footage shared by local outlet “UpNorthLive.”

The girl’s brother then fired two shots at the kidnapper, hitting the head and chest, and his sister was able to get free from the kidnapper’s grasp. The injuries caused by the slingshot also helped authorities identify who the suspect was, police said.

“I mean he really is the one that saved – that I believe saved his sister’s either life, or from something seriously bad happening to her,” Grimshaw said.

The suspect, whose name has not been released, has been arrested and charged as an adult with one count of attempted kidnapping/child enticement, one count of attempted assault to do great bodily harm less than murder, and one count of assault and battery.

“It just goes to show that there’s evil out there. And it can find anybody anywhere,” Grimshaw said.
It took them two months to even notice this ad...I thought they would be a lot more vigilant about finding anything good and decent and shitting on it. You know it never occurs to them that they're providing free advertising to their opponents.
Snivel, snivel Lord! Someone should sell piss in a bottle and call it Trump beer, a special marketing campaign just for America's idiots. Recent research has found that even moderate alcohol consumption is very unhealthy, and some younger people look at it like smoking. The "liberal" woke bunch that exercise and eat healthy are eschewing alcohol.

There is plenty more recent research than this about the negative health effects of alcohol, even in moderation.

Snivel, snivel Lord! Someone should sell piss in a bottle and call it Trump beer, a special marketing campaign just for America's idiots. Recent research has found that even moderate alcohol consumption is very unhealthy, and some younger people look at it like smoking. The "liberal" woke bunch that exercise and eat healthy are eschewing alcohol.

There is plenty more recent research than this about the negative health effects of alcohol, even in moderation.

that's fine, when your enemy is poisoning himself, just shut the fuck up and act like everything is normal.
China is using the World Bank as its piggybank
A new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) lays bare what was painfully obvious to me when I represented the U.S. on the board of directors at the World Bank: the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its state-owned enterprises win the biggest slice of procurement for economic development projects, securing almost 30 percent of all funds.

The U.S., the bank’s largest shareholder thanks to generous taxpayer funding since the bank’s founding in 1945, is on the losing end of the ledger. Our firms garner less than 1 percent of all funds (and that includes large purchases of U.S. COVID-19 vaccines). In other words, China is using the World Bank system to further its goals, with U.S. taxpayers and other democracies footing the bill.

Are Chinese firms really that much better than American ones, or is there an unfair playing field? China has the largest number of state-owned enterprises in the world at over 150,000 firms, accounting for 60 percent of China’s market capitalization. Although the World Bank rightly does not allow state-owned enterprises to win contracts in their home countries (this would be anti-competitive), it does allow them to win contracts in other countries. Given China’s army of state-owned enterprises, it is no wonder Chinese firms have been so successful, winning 41 percent of all civil works projects even as U.S. firms win only 0.3 percent, according to the GAO analysis.

Why would China be willing to underbid and lose money on projects? It is playing a long game, building capacity and relationships through these contracts to further enmesh itself in the economies of developing countries. It is using the World Bank to create new client states, complementing the work of its Belt and Road Initiative to sink tentacles into countries with no-questions-asked loans.

Worse, Chinese firms often import workers from China, limiting the local development impact while often generating other negative cultural consequences. Chinese contractors on World Bank projects have even raped local girls. These firms can also embed sanctions-listed Huawei ($10 million in World Bank procurement over the GAO study period) and other equipment in systems that have allowed repressive regimes to spy on their opposition or on minorities. This is all being subsidized by American taxpayers.

Given all the negative effects, how can this be happening? Once the World Bank board approves funds, managers work with sovereigns to implement the projects, among other things selecting the contractors for procurement. Aware that Chinese firms routinely underbid thanks to generous government subsidies, the bank amended its procurement policies to help level its focus on finding value for money. However, the revised guidelines apparently have done little to dent China’s bidding success in the years since they were implemented.
On the other side of the ledger, U.S. firms I spoke with, which once dominated these large construction projects around the world, have little interest in bidding, because they cannot compete against Chinese state-owned companies. The GAO report bears that out: When U.S. businesses bid, they won about 70 percent of the time. But few bother to bid, believing the fix is in.

A good example was an undersea cable project for the Federated States of Micronesia, to help better connect its developing economy to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, what was meant to be a strong, positive development project was procured using Huawei Marine, a Chinese state-owned enterprise that is on the Commerce Department’s Entity List for activities contrary to U.S. national security or foreign policy interests. And this project was especially grave in its security implications, as the cable was to be plugged into a U.S. defense contractor’s cable extending to the Marshall Islands’ Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site. Had we not been able to block the project, China would have been handed the keys to sensitive Defense Department information — with U.S. taxpayers’ help.

The bank does not restrict contracts based on the Entity List. And although GAO notes that only a “small fraction” of procurement has been given to firms on those lists, it would have only taken one breach, as in that case, to do plenty of damage to U.S. security. Furthermore, the bank does not track subcontractors, so the number of Huawei and other sanctioned entities eating from the World Bank trough is surely substantially higher.

One of the contracts GAO flagged went to a Xinjiang firm that had been sanctioned for human rights abuses against the Uyghur ethnic minority, which China’s regime has forced into labor camps and “re-education” programs. The World Bank claims to screen for money laundering, terrorism and some sanctions lists, and will tell borrowers to make “alternative arrangements to pay the contract awardee” if they find that problematic companies have won a procurement. But money is fungible, such that a sovereign can simply move funds around to continue to contract with the listed entity from a separate pot of money.

The World Bank’s new president, Ajay Banga, comes into the role with a strong managerial background in the private sector. When he starts work on June 2, one of his top priorities should be to reform procurement practices, devising an objective standard that relies on unsubsidized costs, as the current standard clearly is not cutting it.

He should also take a hard look at China’s broader role at the World Bank. Not only does it win far more procurement than any other country, it also continues to take about $2 billion per year in World Bank loans to its government and private firms. It does so even as it lends to developing
countries at non-concessional interest rates, on a bilateral basis through its own development banks. By some measures, China is the world’s largest source of development funding, despite remaining a significant recipient of World Bank funds and one of the top 10 debtors to the bank.

China has, in short, clearly met the conditions for graduation from its status as a developing country. This is even more evident given China’s claim to have eradicated domestic poverty.

In the interest of freeing up resources for countries actually in need, China should no longer be allowed to avail itself of World Bank loans. Given China’s economic success, do continued loans to the PRC fit the bank’s mission?

DJ Nordquist served as the U.S. executive director of the World Bank (2019-2021). She is a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
that's fine, when your enemy is poisoning himself, just shut the fuck up and act like everything is normal.
They don't read that science shit anyway and its fake news, for except what they wanna hear and they wanna hear what they like is good! You need not fear of the truth having any impact on these idiots, except when they end up fucking themselves, but then they just blame the liberals anyway.
learning & complaining about GOOP voices dominating the Sunday talk shows.
...and radio. Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, etc., etc., conservative talk shows control radio.
You sure put your thumb on the social paradigm for the last ... what'd u say, 70 or 80 years? But
at the least, since Tricky Dicky, and it just mushroomed, snowballed, however u wanna classify
the steam roller effect the right wing's held on simple notions, daydreams, and thoughts of the
brainwashed AmeriKKKan people. I have witnessed it since i got drafted and Nixon's lies about
his "secret plan" to get outta Vietnam. Lying, dead SOB that he was.
It appears that following Trump and maga world has cost the "Christians" dearly, acting like heathens instead of actual Christians has hurt them, especially among youth. Christ spoke of loving thy neighbor, but they preach hate, intolerance, support fascism and Trump, the epitome of the 7 deadly sins.

Let's talk about polling on why people are leaving....
At first glance I thought Russia, oh well, no difference.
China imposes $2M fine for stand-up’s joke seen as mocking the military
China has fined a comedian’s company approximately $2 million after he made a joke that was seen by some as mocking the military.
Multiple outlets reported Wednesday that the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism fined the firm of popular comedian Li Haoshi, who uses the stage name House, over comments he made during a show this weekend.

In his appearance, Li mentioned he had adopted two stray dogs he was watching chase a squirrel. He said the scene made him think of a phrase used by by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that roughly translates to “Fight well, win the battle,” according to Reuters.

Audio released on Chinese social media websites show the audience laughed in response, but one audience member made a complaint, and the joke soon received criticism for being seen as disrespectful.

Li was suspended from the Xiaoguo Culture Media firm in Shanghai, which had represented him, and his account on the Chinese social media site Weibo was suspended after he posted an apology, saying he felt “deeply guilty and regretful.”

CNN reported that a subsidiary of the firm was fined $1.91 million and it would have to give up $189,000 in “illegal gains” from Li’s performance.
The bureau said Li, his agent and other relevant staff will face additional investigation following the “seriously insulting” comments that caused “bad social impact.”

“We will never allow any company or individual use the Chinese capital as a stage to wantonly slander the glorious image of the PLA,” it said.

The phrase that Li referred to during his performance was first used by Chinese President Xi Jinping in creating qualities that he expects from the military, according to CNN.

China adopted a law to ban defamation of the military in 2021.
there are some things even “flat of malt likker” goggles cannot sell.

No goggles exist that could obscure this vision of hell yawning wide…
Cogent thinking on the Durham ‘report’:


fucking idiots, all they know how to do is blow smoke up the asses of all the stupider fucking idiots who follow them, a task made easier by them all having their heads shoved in the same rabbit hole...

This concerns me...What has Biden agreed to, to put this foul fuck in a decent mood?
I would rather see the country go into a crippling default than have Biden make one concession to the fucking loathsome freedumbass caucus fucks.
If he gives them any significant concessions, we better start looking for someone else to run against trump in 24, because anyone even slightly liberal will feel betrayed and shit upon...I already do, and we don't even know what the fuck is going on yet.

This concerns me...What has Biden agreed to, to put this foul fuck in a decent mood?
I would rather see the country go into a crippling default than have Biden make one concession to the fucking loathsome freedumbass caucus fucks.
If he gives them any significant concessions, we better start looking for someone else to run against trump in 24, because anyone even slightly liberal will feel betrayed and shit upon...I already do, and we don't even know what the fuck is going on yet.
Not much I suspect, Kevin needs an out and Joe is providing it for him. You will know by how many democrats vote for the debt ceiling they only need 5 votes to pass it and that is more than Kevin can get from his republican majority. Joe can pull the pin on the 14th and end this bullshit once and for all and to pass anything in the house Kevin needs democratic votes. Joe and the democrats are holding all the cards here, even if it looks like Kevin has an advantage, he does not and knows he will be blamed for crashing the global economy because he wants to fuck the poor and middle-class people of America for yet another tax cut for the super-rich. You can't blame him really since 40% of the voters are perfectly willing to fuck themselves or are too fucking stupid to know what they are doing.