Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

The country's fucked right now and its not just one person fucking it up.
No, i don't think it is. I think that's a pretty defeatist, pessimistic attitude, The US has problems, but we've had almost as bad before. Get rid of the piece of shit republican magats and most of the domestic problems will self correct within a year. The country made it through McCarthy-ism, The dixicrats, Nixon, Bush and shrub, ronnie raygun...I think we can survive the fall out from trump and his trained monkeys in the freedumb carcass.
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The country's fucked right now and its not just one person fucking it up.
Yours isn't the only one.
Inflation in Oz at 7%!
We had a 30 year high in December of 7.8%.
Cash rate of 4.1% and predicted to go up a 1/4 % next month.
There has to be some job loses soon to get inflation back in the target bracket of 2-3%.
Trouble here is real estate is still increasing along with stocks.
The country's fucked right now and its not just one person fucking it up.
From your perspective, what are the top five indicators that cause you to say this country is fucked up?

Please give observable, objective indicators. For example, a wide gap in wealth disparity, with 30% the wealth of this nation held in the hands of less than 1% of the population and only 2.5% or the wealth held by 50% of the population.
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Why wouldn't hollywood go so far as to steal actors very lives? They've stolen and recycled everything else for the last 30 years.
Who needs actors when they will be able to synthesize them from a database of facial traits and give it a personality that could sell snow to an Eskimo. You might pay as much for the software as a star actor would make for a single movie, this is capitalism and about profit, not about being a nice guy, ethical or moral, just as long as its legal. One day they will create virtual actors so handsome they will make women swoon and drive men mad, so attractive they will be hard to resist, since all your buttons will be pressed.

You could even make a virtual politician with a dummy you modeled him on as place holder, a virtual Donald to give the TV speeches and sell the grift to the public. We all know the buttons to push with almost half the country and ole virtual Donald would own the GOP pretty quick and be as slick as Obama and Clinton all rolled into one to boot! Your virtual personalities don't just make you money, they give you power too, a super Rupert Murdoch...
… One day they will create virtual actors so handsome they will make women swoon and drive men mad, so attractive they will be hard to resist, since all your buttons will be pressed.

If cartoon porn characters are any indication, they’ll be iterating for quite a while until they don’t cross the line into the ridiculous or repellent.

Btw I advise against the image search.
