Stuff You Collect

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Just curious about the stuff people collect, and why?

Go ahead and call me a dork, but I collect Comic Books. As a kid I'd ride my bike down to the 7-11 after I made $10 mowing lawns and buy a Slurpee and a couple rags that looked cool.

Now that I'm older, comics have gotten a bit better quality, and big-time movies based on comics makes them less "Un-cool"

When my Grandma died, I got her collection of Music Boxes.

Plus Antiques Roadshow is a pretty cool show! I love seeing what other people collect, and what-not..

So what is it?

one day id like to have a record collection..
but right now im working on my own personal library
im only 18 and i have about 60 books and if you gave me $1000 gift card to a book store id spend it all in no time
Records man. Everyone should have some sort of vinyl collection.:hump:

My mom has a huge collection of records! :joint:
Way back stuff. Fleetwood Mac, Beatles,Pink Floyd, Bonnie Raitt, a TON.
Even corny stuff like Miami Vice..

I'll inherit those too.

I'd have no Idea to gauge their worth in terms of dollars.
Just that she treasured them and has 'em locked away...

War 8-Tracks and Beta tapes :lol:
i like to collect old cameras, i usually go for ones that work or ones i can fix to work, i actually try to use them for their unpredictability and sometimes cool effects that only come with age
oh my friend has collected every single note she ever wrote
theirs literally trash bags full of them spanning her 12 years in school
Yeah, I've got all the original stuff on vinyls.. You name it, I probally have it or have had it and traded it for something different.. And I love a good book too, only one that I find interesting, I have around 80-90 books right now, and last time I counted my records I had a little over 150, and I listen to every single one of them, will only keep the ones I like.:peace:
movies and music. i love them dearly. plus im also a horder of illegal game roms. not that they would care about SNES titles these days
one day id like to have a record collection..
but right now im working on my own personal library
im only 18 and i have about 60 books and if you gave me $1000 gift card to a book store id spend it all in no time

I'm pretty big on books..
And At one time I was hoarding a bunch..

But if and when you move, they are a total pain in the ass! :lol just a warning

Plus w/ the internet, library, and all that, I decided only to keep the important ones (and the light ones) No more HardCovers!! :joint:

Lots of Classics and Text books, and Asian Philosophy chit

Good thing to collect however...
well one day i just want basically any book that interests me
if i ever have enough money i would actually love to have a room dedicated to readying
even have a nice reading chair and a nice pipe to smoke then read
You know those mini skateboards? Those are my thing.

Friends just GIVE them to me...everyone was into them at one point or another, and have long since forgotten about them. So, I get them all for free.

Yeah, I'm fucking lame.

movies and music. i love them dearly. plus im also a horder of illegal game roms. not that they would care about SNES titles these days

I didn't know those counted. I have 1000's of movies...but, none of them are legit. They are all burned copies.

I lost my roms collection when I moved my PC over. Now I only have a few. If you are looking for a good game, check out "Monkey Puncher" for the Gameboy Color. Theres roms for that around...if you want a link, PM me.

Its very funny, and written in broken english.
You people need to get a PS3. SNES roms are so 90's

Atleast pokemon cards are still cool.
And thos beanie babies are offf the hooook son.
ahh Charizard how can i forget you lol, i collect throwing knives, records, original godzilla movies and other old monster movies, like creature from the black lagoon and the Claw.
ahh Charizard how can i forget you lol, i collect throwing knives, records, original godzilla movies and other old monster movies, like creature from the black lagoon and the Claw.

You Collect Godzilla Movies??

You are Not Alone
I havnt got myself started on something.... Dont know what ....


I will sell you a holographic charizard for 100 dollars... | there extremely rare and hard to get. Its the Holographic kind so its very sparkly. that should be a good start for a pokemon collection...

I got tons of beanie babies. they dont make them anymore so there sellin like hot cakes for top dollar.

I dont hussle weed, I hussle beanie babies....:blsmoke: