Stumps & mrgreenlungz Multi-patient Medical Grow 2010


Well-Known Member
I so want to bitch about the cold weather but not on this page. ok the page has changed.


Well-Known Member
little up date. the plants pretty much out grew the shed so we have had to relocate them. we are replanting to the great outdoors and inground. the weather has been sucking with highs 104 and low's around 54. 30+ mph winds. Very strange weather for this time of year. will get new pic's up when transpalt is done.


Well-Known Member
little up date. the plants pretty much out grew the shed so we have had to relocate them. we are replanting to the great outdoors and inground. the weather has been sucking with highs 104 and low's around 54. 30+ mph winds. Very strange weather for this time of year. will get new pic's up when transpalt is done.
serious props on growing outdoors.
i would freak out about my plants if i saw the weather jumping around like this. i know you're saving on electricity but how do u not let it bother u?


Well-Known Member
Been a big ol' pain in the ass so far. Not saving on electricity got those going too. We hope to get better yeilds outdoors. I hope to have some type of green house up next year


Well-Known Member
To much heat/cold/wind. not enough water. they are looking beter, but have a ways to go.


Active Member
[/ATTACH] autos under the lights

Because Stumps is a stoner and his brain is fried from smoking dangerous marijuana, I wanted to let everyone know the 2 in the front are autoflowers (started the same day) and the back is a clone, odd that the bigger auto has no bud yet... It was an experiment anyway.


Well-Known Member
Those plants blend in well with the their surrounding, have any of them started flowering yet?


Well-Known Member
Nope not that I can see. I tried to camo the plants a little. Wish I had something to camo the smell. My mail box is about 200 yards from the patch and there are days it smells good or bad. What ever way you want to look at it.


Well-Known Member
last pic post was today. plants range from 3-7' Sorry I have this mental block of mrg's strains. can't remember them for anything. My 3 clones are all about 4' and very bushy. strawberry cough, kandy kane and a no name aghfgan. Very happy with the grow so far. We will improve next year.