Stunt in growth!!


Well-Known Member
Ive got a plant in a massive tub of dirt that seems to have stopped growing! Ive got a 450 hps bulb on it and 2 24 inch flourescent bulbs. Its about 6 inches tall and almost a month old. Any ideas? BTW the soil Im using is cheap, and Im wondering if that may have something to do with it, and I havent used any nutrients at all yet. Are fertilizers a must?


Thanks gang


Well-Known Member
They are a must. If the plant has eaten up all the nutes then its time to feed it.
They slow down growing if over watered or not enough. Is that possible.


Well-Known Member
How do you know it stopped growing? has it been the same size for quite a while now? Got any pics?


Well-Known Member
My camera is charging, Ill post a pic as soon as its ready! But yes, its been stagnant in growth for the past 2 weeks or so.. also its in a 10 gallon rubber made tub with no holes in the bottom- could that be an issue? No indications yet thats its over watered (i.e. droopy leaves).


Well-Known Member
Poke some holes in it. The roots have grown to the bottom of the tub and are now drowning. They will coil around the bottom now that the plant is bigger.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure thats it; the plant is only like 8-9 inches tall... or do the roots grow that big even at that size?