Stunted/Dying Plants

Hey everyone!

First time poster here, and I am unfortunately having some trouble with my plants. I looked through the forums and found some pertinent info, but I'd also like some advice from you guys, to really get get these girls growing :).

The problem: My plants appear to grow well during the first 2 weeks, they sprout healthily, though after about a week when they are about 4-5 inches tall, they simply stop growing. Also, they only seem to want to grow their first set of leaves, though these remain small and do not grow any further.

I have about 6 lights in total on the plants, 4 of which are Sylvania 22" fluorescent growing lights at 22 Watts per light, 1 is a 22" fluorescent light at 35 Watts, and the last bulb is a 45 Watt halogen bulb. The plants are on a 21-3 on-off cycle.

The soil is a mixture of Miracle Grow and generic potting soil, and I am using a 12-12-12 (as that was the best I could find :-/) fertilizer and water mixture every 4-5 days on the plants, and watering as necessary (when the soil becomes dry to the touch, usually).

The temperatures in the box do vary a bit, but tend to remain in the 80-65 F range, and humidity generally varies between 40-60%.

Okay, I think that wraps it up for info, but let me know if I have forgotten something. I belive I may have narrowed down the problem to nutrient deficiencies; specifically Nitrogen and perhaps Mananese, but I'd really like to hear what you guys think! What is causing this stunted growth?


P.S. I have attached pics of my setup; once again, let me know if there is something that needs clarified in the pictures.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so here we go.

#1: Your lights need to be closer to the plants. Because flourescent light intensity (SP?) greatly decreases the further away you go. So the lights should be no further than 5 inches maximum away from your plants. (For best results)

#2: Take those covers off of the flourescent tubes, then take the actual bulb out, and if you can tape one side with aluminum tape it will herp more light to go in the direction of the plants, instead of going up where the light is doing nothing. I drew a picture in "paint" that I'm attaching that should explain what I'm talking about here better. And keep those plastic coveres off the lights.

#3: You said your using a 12-12-12 fertalizer every 4 to 5 days. At full strength? If so, you are killing your little seedlings. They do not need any food or anything really accept for a little light and a little plain 'ol water untill about 3 weeks veg.

Start there and things should start going alot smoother for you.
Okay, I will certainly try out what you recommended, they all sound like decent enough tips (especially about the light covers). I am curious, however about the position of my lights. I have read that I should not place my lights within 14"of my plants; now, was that incorrect?

Also, I am not using the fertilizer at full strength; it is diluted with water.

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Ok how deluted is it?
Example: 1/4 recomended strength? 1/8 recomended Strength?

Because I wouldn't use anything stronger than 1/4 recomended strenght, if that, 1/8 being better, if any at this point to be honest.

And about the lights, you did read right, you we're just reading about different kind of lights. With HID lights, you want to keep around 14" away like you stated.

But with CFL's, or flourescent tubes, any flourescent really, you want the light absolutely as close to the plant a possible wihtout burning the plant. So put your hand under the light, if you feel any discomfort at all your plants will too. So by doing that you can figure out exactly how far away from your plant the lights can be withyou doing any damage.

I have my clone's sitting 1 inch under my flourescent tube right now. 1 inch away from the actual bulb, and they're doing just great!

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
The last poster is right on point!
Dilute those nutes for sure that's what's killing the plants right now. 1/4 strength should be still a little hot, i'd go 1/8.
The light intensity won't kill the plants until about 3 weeks, but it will be awful for them until that point. Figure out how warm the lights are by touch, and get them that close to the plants, FOR SURE, lol.


Well-Known Member
no here's what you should be doing with your light lol:bigjoint:
He's using flouro tubes incase you didn't know. So that isn't really an option..... Way to thread jack tho! Not trying to be a dick or anything...... Just saying..... where is the relavence of your post?.. He's already got the flouro tubes running, and NO CFL's.

If you wanna see how to run CFL's I can SHOW you how to run CFL's..... I can put up pix that put your CFL and set up to shame!... I'm not going to tho, because that's not what this thread is about....

Start a new thread if you need some attention!