stunted growth at 5 weeks super lemon haze




Well-Known Member
hi, plants can take a couple of weeks to get over stress, you say about overheating= stress, then topping= stress and your plants 5 weeks old, id say let her go for a bit, what are the white dots on her on the video?? couldnt really make it out, and just watch the mh really hot, as you say your on it now id sit back and let her settle,

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
Stress can increase the chances of your plants growing with deformities.... Let this portion of deformed leaves grow out and I'm positive it will bounce back! And those white spots look like the beginning of a pH problem... just saying


thanks for the reply bud.The dots happened straight after the over heating two of the fan leaves on either side had to b completely removed I cut their branches but not up to the stem no signs of growth on them just 2 branches on either side sticking out no fan leaves on them 1.5 inch branches doing nothing? the pH has been balanced from seed it was female not so sure after the stress? it did over heat 110f