stunted growth...


Active Member
whats happend to my plant, in the same cuboard, same nutrients just a basic grow using blood and bone fert, all fed the same and all the same age, 5 weeks into veg, 2 of them are fine the other well. stopped growing, its still alive and very green, still feeding. it just stopped growing, iv pruned it and it grows back but just to around the same size... whats going on im a newbie to growing


give us a picture sounds like you need to repot big of a pot is it in.


Well-Known Member
Im a newbie to so i cant tell you much for sure but every time i see someone say they pruned there plant or cut parts off the next 10 posts will say thats a bad idea especially if you dont know what your doing. Did you prune all your plants or just the stunted ones? Id say dont cut anything off your plants at all until your expereinced


Active Member
They are in 10 litre pots, it went straight into it from a small clone.
its still really green and still growing leaves back but just staying and the same size...:wall:
its getting slightly taller, and its a very very thick plant, almost ball shaped..
my other plants r growing fine in the same pots.

im never pruning my plants again !!! even tho i pruned them and they took off something insane, doubled in density over night...


need some photos to see to say any thing else which may be wrong.