Stunted growth?

mr. marijuana

Active Member
this plant is nearly 3 weeks old and it hasnt even grew its sets of leaves yet. i figured it was stunted growth because of the low temperatures. but do u think it will grow if i kept it warmer? and not die or stay in this state? earlier today i moved it inside to my closet. im going to start moving into the house at night when its cold.does anyone think this will work. this is my 1st grow


Just some idiot
Its the wrong time to be outside that might have something to do with's not normal. What kind fo soil in in those cups, is there drainage what are you watering with, and when it is inside what kind of light? And you aren't feeding them yet, right? Also roots don't like light, clear cups are no many things could be wrong, also low temps do stop growth to a point but I'm gonna take a guess and say you really don't have the light or ability to have a stable grow room. I'd wait til growing season and start over or do it right and keep it inside with proper lighting and what not.

mr. marijuana

Active Member
i havent started feeding them any nutes or anything
i use distilled water at room temp
the soil was a mix of outside dirt and some type of soil
i saw in a bag outside not sure exactly what type
the lights i looked at but cant tell wat kid i kno it is 90 wattd

mr. marijuana

Active Member
i just wanted to see if it would grow and the temps being low and all make the plant purple the highs are high 70's and lows around mid 60's but the other day we had 57.
i beilieve ideal temp is between 65-80 or something another


Just some idiot
Yeah those temps are fine, I would look at the light as the culprit. Also some nice soil would help. For now i would get those into different containers with a nice soil and throw them under some proper lighting, if you are poor like most of us get some CFLs and give them a fair chance.

mr. marijuana

Active Member
thats doable
only problem is that i wont be able to
keep them in my closet for 2 long because of parents
so i have to think of a better area i wouldnt want to have to explain y light bill is up.what exactly are cfls? i heard them referred to alot on this site
and hps too. i kno they are types of bulbs tho

t dub c

Well-Known Member
600watt hps $20 a month about. 1 cfl maybe $1 to run a month were I am, need lots of cfls though. but you shouldnt grow in your parents house anyways but..............

Darth Vapor

Active Member
Your parents will find out no doubt about it,especially if your successful at your grow, just the smell will do it ...but good luck anyway