Stunted Growth?????


Well-Known Member
my 'euforia' seedling is nearly 3wks old and is roughly 3.5 inches in height, has about 4 full leaves and another few coming out, i may have underwatered. but is this size normal for a 3 wk old seedling??????? has enough light 200w cfl and is growing in soil!


Active Member
Somethings not quite right there jayz IMO. i also have a blue spec 200w cfl light and at 4 weeks old my 3 plants range from 9-12 inchs, how close is your light to the plants ? i put mine around 5 cm away.. i also use Baby bio as a feed a few times a week. i am Growing A.M.S. and i am also using soil in 7.5 inch pots.


Well-Known Member
i have the ligts an inch or two away. i think i may have caused stress at the begining by brakein a couple of roots when transplanting and having cold incoming air which couldnt of helped either!


Well-Known Member
dere finally growin, dere at 7 inches now on day 26. lookin good aftr a slow is yours gettn on??? started feedin 2nite 1/4 strength bio bizz. do u think i shud nute feed once a wk, then just plain water feed every other wk?


Active Member
Yeah there doing good.. i had no choice but to flower them as i was running out of room.. after 2 and abit weeks of flowering they stand at 34-37 inchs.. they are budding !

i would use the nut as it says on the bottle.. thats what i did with baby bio.. people might be doing it diffrent but i feed then maybe a few times a week then just water for the next.. works for me.. pay attention to the leaves to make sure your not burning them.


Active Member
Stupid question... but if i have 16-16-16 should that work or should i go buy some proper 20-20-20 at my local garden shop? also i have some 10-10-10 maybe just doubling the strength???


Active Member
also i'm just using my window as light is this sufficient or should i also put in a grow box?
1st grow...