Stunted growth

Here is mine, it's about 3 weeks, i gave a little too much nutes on the first feed, but she's fine now. I had those tips curled down too, lowered the dosage and she seems better.


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cant be nutes i fed the older ones 3 days ago with soil n root half the amount just to be careful , yeah ithink it was a bad idea cus then they turned yellow like that and a little brown on one of the leafes
The leaf edges turning upward is a classic sign of too much heat or too little humidity. Your temps seem fine so check your humidity per Litthefrog.

The photo showing some of your leaf tips clawed downward at the tip is a sign of overfeeding.

The yellowing at the bottom is not really a problem if it is your cot leaves, first single point leaf, or first three point leaf. These will fade and die early. If it is above that, then you do have a nutrient or ph issue. Overall not too bad. I would keep them on water only until they are month old.
Okey so just a little water and more distance between the lamp yes ? ,i had a thought about start over with hydro either a autowater hydrosystem that can hold 4 plants or an airpot with hydro/coco is that smart or jus stupid right now , thanks all for your replys helps alot .
air hummidty i rly dont know but i feel like its not good since the fan i use either blows hard or just a little i have it on medium flow now but its stil kinda hard blow , the hummidty in the soil , moist thest there is 1 to 10 marks 1-3 is dry 4-7 is moist and 7-10 is wet mine is mostly on 6 sometimes on 3 but thats ussualy when i water them .
air hummidty i rly dont know but i feel like its not good since the fan i use either blows hard or just a little i have it on medium flow now but its stil kinda hard blow , the hummidty in the soil , moist thest there is 1 to 10 marks 1-3 is dry 4-7 is moist and 7-10 is wet mine is mostly on 6 sometimes on 3 but thats ussualy when i water them .
Put a little more distance between the light and plant and seriously consider getting a hygrometer..
spended total 400 euro now need to wait for that , okey thanks on it now , hygrometer i guess is to see how much humidity there is in air or ?
Okey thank you for helping me ! , btw i did what u said and the leafes are kinda rising and pointing up is this a good sign ?
haha , Litethefrog i just went to check them ., and still no growth she have been stunned for almost 8 days now ...
Hello Frog i want to thank you for helping me last time we spoke , i finished 2 of them the auto tooths :D first ever iam happy even tho i didnt get any yields , i got about 15 gram each plant :P but the smoke was more than okey !, i changed my light now from CFL 300 , to a HPS 250 , now i have 1 auto speed bud 1 blueberry 1 bubblelecious and 2 northern lights out , ive learned now that distance between light and temp is core , also i dont water them more than 1 time per 1 - 2 days , but stil the growth isnt as others that i watch mine is much slower ... i tried everything i even got a new tent double my old ones size at 60x60x140 with 0 light leakage , can my problem possibly be the humiditty ? Did you get good yields on yours that was stunted that you told me ?