Stunted growth

Okey i'am on it thanks , epsom salt ?, i use water from the kitchen i think tap water in english and then i lower ph to 6.5 and water them , but for some reason the ph refuse to go under 75 at minimum on the older ones on the little one u see in the bigger pot the ph is controlled at 6.2 - 6.5 and i just checked on her she i starting to grow again i took up the lamp a bit higher she was stunned to for like 2 days.
potting soil ok , this soil seem complcated to me maybe iam a retard , but would a hydrosystem work better ?
potting soil ok , this soil seem complcated to me maybe iam a retard , but would a hydrosystem work better ?


a hydro system is less forgiving

if you can get some good instruction a hydro system isn't difficult at all but soil is more forgiving and less expensive

yes Epsom salt.... also known as magnesium sulfate

do you know what Epsom salt is?
you get it at grocery store or pharmacy

people soak in the bath tub in it or they drink it for a laxative
Okey i see , okey epsom salt its for what purpose to lower ph or something ? , i bought couple days ago Ph- from gold label i need to have - bcs my water is 8 - 8+ ph