Stupid clones..,.


Junior Creatologist
Im tryin to practice cloning techniques for when im gonna need to clone my bluecheese n twilight strains, but the shit aint happenin. I mean, they aint dying, but they dont look healthy. I have three clones that are about 3 weeks old, and still not taking root. I have them in jiffy plugs, placed in a container that i keep a little bit of water in so the plugs can absorb it constantly cuz my box sucks water up really fast with all the heat in there. I cut at a 45 degree angle, soaked in water for 10 mins, cut again, and slathered it in root hormone (fuckin stupid god damn schultz powder complex). Still no results, but i wanna get this right before i have to do it for real. Any suggestions on SURE FIRE methods to get a cutting to root??


Well-Known Member
I only keep em good and wet in soaked peat pellets for about 3 - 4 days. I usually keep them moist by misting the dome. I also mist the clones w/ superthrive 1x / day for 4 days, misting w/ plain water 1 - 2 other times / day. I don't water the tray. I leave little if any standing water in the tray. I leave a small space b/w the dome and the tray after 24 - 48 hours so the pellets can SLOWLY dry and harden. Within 7 - 10 days, nearly all clones are rooted. I choose the strong fast ones for the future. Hope this helps.

First time I cloned I made the mistake of keeping them too wet, and not leaving a crack or air space in the dome to SLOWLY harden the pellets. It's pretty easy with very little experience. Remember some plants are just WAYYYY more difficult to clone. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
are you keeping them in a humidity dome? and are u trimming off excess leaves that would be to much for the plant to handle? keep the soil moist but dont water. and every so often lift off the dome to give them some fresh air. you should see roots with in 7-8 days.


Well-Known Member
i do it same as you but i mix a little schultz with distilled water and let them root in that i change the water every few days iseem to have pretty good luck with that


Well-Known Member
jiffy plugs suck... try using rockwool. or just put them in some a solo cup with some dirt, and place a sandwich bag over the cup. 100% success here without rooting hormones.

Violent Haze

Active Member
and you gotta mist those leaves cause there not getting any intake other then whatever the leaves are absorbing


Well-Known Member
Clipping away most of the bigger leaf excess certainly kicked my method into much faster rooting. Not removing the leaves, cutting them away until there's just a little leaf left on the stem that's attached to the main stalk. Keeping them 18"-24" under fluro helps too (24/7)

I use Schultz and average 98% success. 70*F is a good cloning temp. They won't take if it's too cool. I also use peat plugs, thoroughly soaked once. I can't imagine peat plugs holding up very well left soaking in water.


Active Member
try splicing the end in half and shave the outside of the stem, bottom inch should do it. the results are amazing for rooting.


Junior Creatologist
yeh i spliced the ends up n shaved the outer layer off the bottom part of the stem too. The consensus is that the jiffies just plain suck, lol. at first i didnt know that they fuckin BLOW THE FUCK UP after you water them, i just thought they promoted root growth, so like an idiot, i buried one two inches into the soil, n then put my clone over it, n then soil, n watered it in, n i checked on it an hour later n the fuckin clone was sittin on the lip of my pot n the liffy plug was sittin 4 inches above the soil all inflated, lol. I found out the hard way first time around.

But when i got it right, i just took the plug, blew it up, n then stuck the clone in after preparing it. i didnt have anythnig over it for humidity though, i just thought it was humid enough in my box for them, cuz its like 65% humidity in there when i dont run my extra fan, so i thought it would be ok in there. Plus i thought that the fact that i took the clones from a plant 1 week into flowering was a factor too, but some of them clones just straight up died, so i know it wasn't that. i appreciate the input guys.

The reason why i wanted to use the plugs, is cuz when i take cuttings from my good plants once their ready to be taken, i wanna be able to take many many cuttings with minimal space taken up, and the solo plastic cups would take up too much space for what i have i think. Ill be using my current box as a veg chamber (well, a veg chamber for about 2-3 weeks of the veg), and the tent i have on the way for flowering. I just wanna be able to have enough room to still do all that and be able to clone at the same time.

So would rockwool cubes work the same way as soil would hypothetically then? n then once they take root, just transfer them into some fox farm action n im set right??


Well-Known Member
Rip it off the plant and shove it under light.

Don't need the 45degree angle, misting, etxc. etc. bullshit. It's fucking gods creation.


Well-Known Member
My first time cloning in peat, I had so much success I had to trash some pretty decent clones after giving 10 away. I'm certain it is technique related. I f'd up a couple of em and they still rooted and very healthy. It's also easy to put 40 - 50 clones in peat in a drawer w/ flouros until they root. Out of site, and very easy to find the best ones. I tried rockwool, and maintaining proper moisture in those was like solving a damn rubics cube for some reason. I'm certain I wasn't doing something right in rockwool. I'm sure you'll have some success. Just do what you are comfortable with after reading a few different techs. Youtube is a good resource for cloning tutorials.


Active Member
clones are very easy. You are making to much of it. Rockwool works well. The jiffy pod things suck. Clip your clone put some rooting gel stick it in the rockwool. Now go to the Wawa or 7-11 get your self a 32 oz soda cup (plastic) poke some holes in the bottom put it over your clone(you just made a humidity dome) mist the clone because that is the only way it can get water through the leaves (no roots yet) 24-0 light. a cfl works very nice for the job at hand. 2 to 3 weeks you should be good to go. Remember it is only a plant there is no need to get all crazy. Plant it and it will grow and talk to the little babies they are just looking for love.


Junior Creatologist
lol yeah i just thought for a title id put in what goes through my head every time i look n see that a clone died or still aint takin root.

But jiffy plugs look like particle board disks with sandpaper wrapped around them. When you water them, they inflate like 10 times their original size, and the particle board lookin shit turns into compost(i guess thats the word for it), n the sandpaper lookin shit turns into a thin cloth screen to keep it all together. They fuckin SUCK IMHO.

But i took them outta the plugs, got a couple containers together (square plastic ziplock food tubs) popped off the tops n filled them with ocean forest. I recut the ends and i poked holes in the soil, n not only did i put some of the schultz rooting powder on the stem, but i put a little bit into the holes in the soil too. put the clones in, misted them, n took a sammich bag n cut off the zipper, n sliced the sides halfway up, n BAM! instant humidity dome, lol. So everything is set up the way that ive read im supposed to do it. Hopefully this is gonna end up bein a success n ill use it for years to come..


Well-Known Member
whenever i have had trouble with clones rooting it was because the medium was too wet, you only want it damp not sitting in water just put the plug on a plate or sonthing and mist inside your dome and cover it... best of luck.:peace: mine usually root in 7-10 days and i use clonex


Well-Known Member
I'd rather use seed starter soil in small cups than those peat things there to hard for the new roots to grow through easily...I use the soil with good results :)

mr green thumbs

Active Member
I'll try to help you by telling you how I clone. I have 100% success with this method. I bought from wal mart three plastic containers. They are on the isle where they have all the plastic trash cans and such. Mine are seven inches by thirteen inches by six inches deep. I can clone twelve at a time. Take one of the containers and poke ten or twelve holes in the bottom. Then you want to wrap this container with duck tape about half way up from the bottom so that the roots don't get any light. Fill the container up to the top of the tape with soil( I use happy frog potting soil). Next pour ph'd water in one container an inch or so and let the water soak up into the container with the holes in it. Cut your clones and place them in the soil and cover with the third container. I usually mist the inside of the third container and place it upside down on top for the dome. I use fluors for light. In a week or ten days you should have clones. The whole thing cost only five or six dollars. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
The best advice I got was to cut plants at 45 at the node leaving enough of the branch. If you cut the plant in the hollow part it will likely not take root, I just soak them in a cup under the light, I change the water regular.
In like 3 weeks they have roots and you can plant them. Superthrive is a miracle for cloning and transplanting. I had stems that were as big around as 50 cent peices.


Well-Known Member
Here's the best best advice......i've never fucked up a clone doing this

1. Take a cutting
2. cut off excess leaves and cut tips of leaves left
3. throw in dirt
4. Sandwich bag w/holes or humidity dome
5. Keep inside of humidity dome moist (spray)
6. Keep the leaves moist...(spray)
7. 24hrs light
8. Root within a week.