Stupid conspiracy theorists


Well-Known Member

Mike Barnacle of MSNBC Morning Joe killed Q.

next time you see him interviewed (from his home office) there is a dismantled plastic blue item to the left of his shoulder. i screen grabbed but it doesn't do live tv for some reason. (he's on today if you catch the last hour you'll see it or just look it up on MSNBC).

here's what it looked like before Mike flew to the Phillipines to steal it from this guy.




Well-Known Member
I know the sun right, but its a thing not just in the sun.
You can all laugh and dismiss it all you want you all have been wrong about every single conspiracy theory related to c19 and you will continue to be ,until one day you realise you live in an utter totalitarian dystopia like china

, the wef is a real organisation of elites who have a real nwo agenda and all the power and money and backing from big tech to make it happen. Thats where old bill comes in. Microsoft will be a big player in it all.
Their end goals are one world govt, cashless society , marxism and depopulation.

Its all there , legitimate sources to find if you want to stop hiding your heads in the sand

Watch this space.
Ill be back to tell you ,i told you so.
Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 8.12.54 AM.png

Has there been a mass escape from a mental institution recently?
Do you mean since the 80's?


Well-Known Member
You all call me retarded while sleepwalking into "the great reset" .

Seriously, take a few mins to actually look beyond your govt propaganda. Google search WEF great reset. Then come back and tell me this isnt a giant scam bring used by the elites to usher in a "new normal" as they put it.
Quite amazing how the head of the wef came out with a 500 page book only 4 months in to the pandemic, discussing how covid 19 can be used to reset society.
its premeditated, it is an actual conspiracy, not a theory. if you cant see it then , that will be your problem
Forced / coerced vaccinations which are experimental = no human rights and against the nurenberg code.
microchipping people like animals = no human rights.

you think the bill gates angel is so weird... what in the actual fuck, does bill gates have to do with any of this then? Why is he constantly getting media attention and interviews on a subject he knows nothing about?.

Everything going on right now was predicted by so called conspiracy theorists.
You all are going to look ridiculous when we are still discussing the possible end of lockdowns and draconian police emergency powers in 5 years ,10 years time.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit that's a hilarious twist of his words! Unless you're from another country and don't understand American inflection, you should be able to see that the person that made the video, is probably on the same side as him. Less meth, more food/sleep.


Well-Known Member
Brewster my rooster weathervane, although in constant conflict with the local flag as to which way the wind is blowing, showed me a sign yesterday. So I had another Guinness.
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Someone needs to rent a skywriter to draw a big fucking Q in the sky to distract the morons for a spell. Fly from city to city and make the local news across the nation. Have a website and make predictions about where Q will appear next, take control of the herd of morons and run em off the fucking cliff. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Holy shit that's a hilarious twist of his words! Unless you're from another country and don't understand American inflection, you should be able to see that the person that made the video, is probably on the same side as him. Less meth, more food/sleep.
they cut their shit with battery acid..anything's possible.


Well-Known Member
You all call me retarded while sleepwalking into "the great reset" .

Seriously, take a few mins to actually look beyond your govt propaganda. Google search WEF great reset. Then come back and tell me this isnt a giant scam bring used by the elites to usher in a "new normal" as they put it.
Quite amazing how the head of the wef came out with a 500 page book only 4 months in to the pandemic, discussing how covid 19 can be used to reset society.
its premeditated, it is an actual conspiracy, not a theory. if you cant see it then , that will be your problem
Forced / coerced vaccinations which are experimental = no human rights and against the nurenberg code.
microchipping people like animals = no human rights.

you think the bill gates angel is so weird... what in the actual fuck, does bill gates have to do with any of this then? Why is he constantly getting media attention and interviews on a subject he knows nothing about?.

Everything going on right now was predicted by so called conspiracy theorists.
You all are going to look ridiculous when we are still discussing the possible end of lockdowns and draconian police emergency powers in 5 years ,10 years time.


Well-Known Member

As jesse from breaking bad would say, yall ain't nothing but customers .

Now be good sheep and go get your mrna chemicals . Old dr bill vouches for their efficacy at saving you from being killed from the 1% mortality virus.