You said every dboy serves kids crack basically. And I said smart ones dont serve kids shit cause a dub aint worth getting tore off for. Ask anyone who has had exp with it.
They'll tell you the same thing. That kids would get ridiculed and noone would want to hang around them. You never hear a kid od'd on crack in zone 1.
Weed and coke and pills(xanax, ex, oc etc) are a kids best friend here, but crack hell naw.
Dont try and comment on a subject when you cant even make a true statement.
you're a fucking moron. sure you don't sell kids crack but if they want the powder you're down with that. Just as long as you're not the one cooking it for them right? Lets get em all fucked up on pills that's a really good thing. It's ok though if you don't sell it( which I doubt you do you've just heard a jeezy album and think you're a certified dboy.) someone else would right? you're a fuckin piece of shit. Nothing helps out people in your community like getting em hooked on some oc's. I'm sure you're out in the streets moving weight all the time. Every drug dealer I've ever met chats all fucking day long on an internet forum. What a hardass. Fuckin urkle ass motherfucker. Zone 1 fuck you fake ass bitch.