my only stupid momment was when i was somewhere between 16 & 19 ( dont really remember )
but me and a few of my friends was walking down the road

like hell..
well we came across a cow pasture with one of those electric fences around it..
well my man T. ( i think it was T. anyway )
dared one of us to piss on the fence for a gram of widow..
i was the only one to say fuck it i`ll do it...
so i walked up to the fence and whiped it out....and let it loose..
but i was so scared that i was flickin my dick around so my piss would hopefully land on the fence as my piss was passing it by..
unfortunately at the time that i thought that i was going to be cool......Z A P
man i jumped back 20 feet , my dick felt like it was on fire..
i fell on the ground rolling around and shit crying like a little bitch...
to this day i still dont know if i got shocked
or since i was so fucked up my mind lead me to beleive that i got shocked..
but i got my gram of widow though.......