Stupidest/Embarassing thing you've done when your high?!


Well-Known Member
haha sounds like you got straight retarded.. i get like that when it's a brofest but i try not to smoke enough to get like that when i'm around girls..

in response to your goign around the deck like a snake, i can top that.

like 3 nights ago i was smoking with my 2 good friends so were all comfertable enough to go for gold and get completly ripped.. anyways we were encredibly high and my friend was like "dude i am so compltly retarded right now".. so i thought it would be funny to walk up and down my street for almost 20 minuetes immitating a retard and making extremly loud noices. then my 90 year old nabor came out of her house and asked if i was ok.. that was embarassing
yeah, there was a chick present. I really didn't plan on getting that high in the first place. It felt just like any other high really...until I stood up that is, then i just kinda lost my head. the only reason I smoked as much as I did, was because the steam roller my friend made was beast, and we had to pass it around about 6 times before all the smoke was gone. what would happen is that it would milk, and the weed would still be burning and when it got passed to someone else and they inhaled, it just made more smoke in the bottle. I'm not used to that if that is a normal was sooo awesome lol.

and for the retard thing, I have something that can top it, but it wasn't me. it's someone i know in school and he got really high and walked naked around his house with a carrot carressing his bunghole, but in there enough so that it would stay in.


New Member
Back in the day of qualudes (sp?) a guy came to class on ludes and the teacher told him to get out and not to come back to class in that state again.

He sat in his chair saying "but I'm in Illinois, everyone else is in Illinois too, why aren't they in trouble?".


Well-Known Member
and for the retard thing, I have something that can top it, but it wasn't me. it's someone i know in school and he got really high and walked naked around his house with a carrot carressing his bunghole, but in there enough so that it would stay in.
I like to walk around my house naked, it gives me a sense of freedom. Plus I like how it feels on my balls. :-P
A few months ago the UPS guy was knocking on the door, I answered it, signed his computer, took my package, and when I shut the door that's when I realized I was naked.:wall:
these two take the cake..
rofl carrot in his bunghole.

if we're ganna talk about friends, one of the funniest moments of my life had to be when my friend was driving me and 3 other kids in the back around and we were all completly ripped, then we hear a noise from outside the car thinking it had somthing to do with the tires and we were on a main street (thinking in retrospect it was clearly just we hit a stick), but seeing as we were so high my friend started freaking out and saying he thought his hubcaps from his car had fallen off. i was dying laughing he was being SO stupid he couldnt stop talking about the fact that he thought his hubcap fell off..


Well-Known Member
I was out snow wheelin once in my truck, like the 5th time I'd ever gotten high, anyways we were out in the forest on a narrow trail in the snow, well I kinda forgot to turn and rammed a tree. It was only like 10mph tops, but broke my headlight and smashed the fender. Luckily I abuse my truck so it's something I can look back at and laugh.


Active Member
the best and stupidest thing I did was with two friends we got baked at 3a.m and then decided to drive to Texas to visit my other friend because "chicago was too far" being only 6hrs away as opposed to 14 to Texas, then we drove to Vegas for New Years.

met incredible and crazy people on the ride there and just had an amazing time.