sub panel? or just add breaker?

I just scanned over your message(didn't read it). You did not capitalize a single fucking letter, be it the first word of a sentence or an I. Now why in the fuck would someone take that long drawn out crap seriously and bother reading it? Do some fucking cliff notes and try to use 3rd grade composition next time. Seriously. Pfffffft.
who the fuck are you to say anything?? all i did was ask a simple fucking question!! your a fag that would get his jaw broke if you ever talked to me like that in person!! and its fags like you that makes me start to not like riu anymore!! if someone asks a question its not a big deal!!! really dude go troll somewhere elsle cause you dont have a life and you sit on the computer all day!! whats wrong dont have any friends in the real world??
to many people give shit info on here so when one dude says this and another says that yea id like to double check until i know for sure!! thats all i wanted and you haters had to poke and poke with your negative bullshit!!! so yea im pissed now! how the fuck is asking if i can add 1 more breaker sound like i can keep adding all kinds?? your a tool bag so eat a plate of shit!!
who the fuck are you to say anything?? all i did was ask a simple fucking question!! your a fag that would get his jaw broke if you ever talked to me like that in person!! and its fags like you that makes me start to not like riu anymore!! if someone asks a question its not a big deal!!! really dude go troll somewhere elsle cause you dont have a life and you sit on the computer all day!! whats wrong dont have any friends in the real world??

You are seriously going to have to work on your literacy. I ain't reading a damn thing you got say til you step up to a 3rd fucking great level of composition. Stop being a loser and just learn to read and write. :roll::spew:
it's obvious this dude can't recognize ,there might be people out here there that think his safety is a big issue ,from experience iv'e had 3 life & death experiences ,last one left me crippled . life &death experiences brings wisdom ,go hard dude get you some experience ,or if you insist on doing it yourself ,invite your electrican buddy over to watch you while yooooooou do it .be safe let the force be with you.

20 amps at 120 volt will be enough to handle your extra 1200 watts, but it won't handle your entire grow.

use this equation to figure it out: Watts/Volts = Amperage

so each 600 watts at 120 volts will use 5 amps.

each 600 watts at 240 volts will use 2.5 amps.

only use 80% of your available amperage. so use only 12 amps of a 15 amp breaker, or 16 amps of a 20 amp breaker.

and the most important part, call an electrician and have them do it for you. move our grow and hide stuff if you have to.

Damn this is the first useful post I've ever seen from Buck.. I did not believe they existed.

Someone has run over his dick with a truck since 2015, obviously.
Damn this is the first useful post I've ever seen from Buck.. I did not believe they existed.

Someone has run over his dick with a truck since 2015, obviously.

going through a two year old post about basic electricity while on the clock, eh?

you must be super useful.