subcool no longer a part of riu?


bud bootlegger
I cant say i blame the dude for gettin fed up here ... at the end of the day he has a biznniz to run ... prolly the reason some breeders dont bother with sites like these.
5-7 years ago small sites were ok, some were like this one and grew pretty big. Now adays those lil fly by night sites are lame as the day is long, trolls are lower but so is the knowledge of the members. A few years back i joined a lil med site, was quiet and peacefull, but most of the growers were rookies and new med card holders, so most of the posts were questions and not answers. RIU needs to be a lil less lax with the rules.
yah, i think they are trying to find their feet after fdd'ed leaving and find the balance between simply banning people left and right and letting the trolls take over the place..
the problem with banning people is that 2 seconds later they're back under a new username and nothing has changed.. i don't know how many accounts some people like see4 for one must've gone through in their time around here..
i don't know what the answer is though, that's for damn sure.. :(

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
yah, i think they are trying to find their feet after fdd'ed leaving and find the balance between simply banning people left and right and letting the trolls take over the place..
the problem with banning people is that 2 seconds later they're back under a new username and nothing has changed.. i don't know how many accounts some people like see4 for one must've gone through in their time around here..
i don't know what the answer is though, that's for damn sure.. :(
This site is deveided in 2 , trolls and talk n toke.... and growers who wanna learn or share info. What sucks is when the trolls come to the other side, it just causes problems for all. Im guitly of it myself , i come here to grow , share and learn , but i also get sick of the trollage and i cant keep my mouth shut. I can honestly say i dotn take this place very serious anymore, sad but true..... thats the pace they set here. Good luck changing it now.


Well-Known Member
yah, i think they are trying to find their feet after fdd'ed leaving and find the balance between simply banning people left and right and letting the trolls take over the place..
The problem with banning people is that 2 seconds later they're back under a new username and nothing has changed.. I don't know how many accounts some people like see4 for one must've gone through in their time around here..
I don't know what the answer is though, that's for damn sure.. :(
just got to deal with it....troll shit is taking over the internet......and certain people just keep coming back and back...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I cant say i blame the dude for gettin fed up here ... at the end of the day he has a biznniz to run ... prolly the reason some breeders dont bother with sites like these.
Aye, never good trying to run a business using a public forum where people can freely post criticisms ;) Best get out of that situation pronto, gotta be able to hide away any negative observations :D


Well-Known Member
Aye, never good trying to run a business using a public forum where people can freely post criticisms ;) Best get out of that situation pronto, gotta be able to hide away any negative observations :D

Man that is one fucked up quote in your signature. Is that shit real? I kinda want to punch something after reading that.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
subs contribution to medical cannabis is undeniable, he is determined and knows his business. I'll even add that his JTR is goOd. about to flower 2 PlushB. I've learned plenty from all growers that are passionate. so keep rockin' n collectin' those genes... and sharing w the med-community. Ps: saw a new acrylic case tga seed display recently and it was nIce.. peace. 


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
This site is deveided in 2 , trolls and talk n toke.... and growers who wanna learn or share info. What sucks is when the trolls come to the other side, it just causes problems for all. Im guitly of it myself , i come here to grow , share and learn , but i also get sick of the trollage and i cant keep my mouth shut. I can honestly say i dotn take this place very serious anymore, sad but true..... thats the pace they set here. Good luck changing it now.
im sick of the spelling contest on here.. im given shit even after useing spell check.. and then they wonder why i don't post pics and give a whole lot of knowledge any more... to bad so sad i do have a lot to offer.. well i like to think i do....LOL

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
Aye, never good trying to run a business using a public forum where people can freely post criticisms ;) Best get out of that situation pronto, gotta be able to hide away any negative observations :D
That statement is not true with Subcool. What makes you guys think he left? There was a blowout between Subcool and GP, I do not know the details, but I do know it had nothing to do with the forums. I have spoken with Subcool just recently. He said he hasn't had the extra time to post on forums lately. He has been very busy dedicating more time into his grows and videos. Oh, one last thing, his new Qush strain is looking real good! I believe it is now available to the public, providing it is not sold out! Nice lemon candy aroma.

Amazing how rumors can run amuck. I mean Subcools last date of activity here was, well today, 5/19/12. Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
GG, on the day of that post Subcool said himself on the Weed Nerd that he was done with rollitup. He moved to Cannacollective, that all happened. Thing is, that evening the admin at rollitup contacted subcool and they worked it all out. Subcool said that in the very next Weed Nerd on YouTube. It all happened. Rollitup worked it out, good job rollitup. When you go through subcool's video's I think it is one or both of the short shows.

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
GG, on the day of that post Subcool said himself on the Weed Nerd that he was done with rollitup. He moved to Cannacollective, that all happened. Thing is, that evening the admin at rollitup contacted subcool and they worked it all out. Subcool said that in the very next Weed Nerd on YouTube. It all happened. Rollitup worked it out, good job rollitup. When you go through subcool's video's I think it is one or both of the short shows.
Thanks for the heads up. I don't watch those videos. Maybe he was just having a bad day. Happens to all of us from time to time eh?


Well-Known Member
I don't watch much YouTube, but I learn a lot from the weed nerd on subcools channel and the weed nerd thread in his forum. Belle straight up talks shit when she see's me watching the weed nerd. lmao. Anyway, it was more than a bad day. I guess he was having trouble with the mods on his forum and trolls were straight stalking him, he asked several times for assistance and bam! Now he has more control over his forum and everything is cool. I am surprised it wasn't like that before. He made it very clear he wasn't scared of discussion and disagreements, but stalker shit was going on also. I bet CannaCollective quadrupled in members literally overnight. lol.
He takes you through his grow rooms, other peoples grow rooms, to dispensaries, shows him pollinating the plants (true bud porn! lol). Pretty fucking cool, for free. He comes on and starts jamming air guitar and shit and that is about it for Belle though. roflmao. Without a doubt, worth the watch though, everytime!

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
I will have to start checking out weed nerd.
I feel for him though. Around the same time some shit went down over at GP, probably just overly stressed. Bad coincidence.
You are right about cannacollective. Sub told me about it recently, and yes, I registered there too.
I'm a fan of TGA gear.