Subcool's Library

per 3 gallons of water
1 gallon pot with a 75/25 mix of vermucastings and old growth forest humus
2 tablespoon earth juice hi brix molasses
3 teaspoon black diamond humic acid
3 teaspoons of bio weed cold processed sea kelp
3 teaspoons of bio marine cold processed squid
1/2 cup ground organic outs

brewing in a 5 gal. bucket with a good sized air pump with two 6 in. air stones making good sized bubbles dilute 1 gallon of tea to 1 gallon of water

i brew for 24 to 36 hours depending on when i feel like watering.

where i live its 95 or hotter during the outdoor grow season so i find just berwing in a nice shady spot i have in my back yard works water seems to hold at 75 ta 82 digress and in the fall my shed works just fine for those cold nights

i got two purple urkel/Hindu kush croos seeds that came from a buddy that lives in northern Cali started them march 5 and just happened ta get two females there in two gal smart pots with a 50/50 mix of pro mix with big grow stones they get feed the tea once a week and i feed with the general organics full line only half the dose GH recommends every other week doing great but ready to go in bigger pots went in the 75 gal may 5th

i will be using the 50/50 mix in 75 gal smart pots with straw mulch on top and feed the same just more tea per feeding and was just looking to see if i missed anything i could be doing or if anyone had some suggestions would love to hear from some long time outdoor growers??
-diverse group of organic HydroCarbons (C5H8), produced by a wide variety of plants
-terpenoids are terpenes which have been chemically modified. They are important building blocks for certain odors, hormones, vitamins, pigments, steroids, resins, essential oils, and CANNABINOIDS!
-they are released from plants when temperatures are higher, helping to seed clouds which then cool the plants
-they interact with each other synergistically for a range of different smells/qualities/effects
Effects when ingested by an animal can be:
-anti-microbial, anti-carcinogen, anti-oxidant, analgesic (painkiller), anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxer, anti-depressant, psychoactive (active molecules in Wormwood/absinthe, Salvia, and Cannabis), anti-anxiety, sedative, vasoconstrictor, vasorelaxant, sensory elevator…
-some are poisonous to varying degrees and act as natural pesticides (poison hemlock)
In Cannabis:
-over 120 different terpenes can be manufactured by Cannabis, some only in trace amounts with others in double-digit percentage
-produced in the trichomes, the same glands where THC is
produced, comprising between 10 and 20 percent of the total oils produced by the glands
-about 10-29 percent of marijuana smoke resin is composed of terpenes/terpenoids
-age, maturation and time of day can affect the amount and ratios of terpenes. They are constantly being produced but are vaporized by heat and light of the day… so harvest in early morning!
-climate and weather also affect terpene and flavonoid production. The same variety, even genotype, can produce a different terpene profile when grown in different soils or with different fertilizers.
-in addition to many circulatory and muscular effects, some terpenes interact with neurological receptors and modify their chemical output
-a few bind weakly to Cannabinoid receptors
-others seem to alter the permeability of cell membranes and allow in either more or less THC
-others affect serotonin and dopamine chemistry (neurotransmitters)
Examples of some common Terpenes found in Cannabis:

-Borneol- menthol, camphor, pine, woody. Can be easily converted into menthol. Found in Cinnamon and Wormwood. It is considered a "calming sedative" in Chinese medicine. It is directed for fatigue, recovery from illness and stress.
-Caryophyllene - spicy, sweet, woody, clove, camphor, peppery. Found in black pepper(15-25%), clove(10-20%) and cotton(15-25%). It binds weakly to CB2 receptor. As a topical it is one of the constituents of clove oil, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic treatment for toothache. In high amounts, it’s a calcium and potassium ion channel blocker. As a result, it impedes the pressure exerted by heart muscles. Since THC does not have a smell, drug dogs are trained to find one, very smelly molecule called Caryophyllene-epoxide!
-Cineole/Eucalyptol- spicy, camphor, refreshing, minty. Found in rosemary, eucalyptus. It is used to increase circulation, pain relief and easily crosses the blood-brain-barrier to trigger fast olfactory reaction. Eucalyptus oil is considered centering, balancing and stimulating. It is possibly the stimulating and thought provoking part of the cannabis smoke stream.
-Delta3Carene- sweet, pine, cedar, woodsy, pungent. A constituent of rosemary, pine and cedar resin. In aroma therapy, cypress oil, high in D-3-carene, is used to dry excess fluids, tears, running noses, excess menstrual flow and perspiration. It may contribute to the dry eye and mouth experienced by some marijuana users.
-Limonene- citrus (orange, tangerine, lemon, and grapefruit), rosemary, juniper, peppermint. Repulsive to predators. Found in the rinds of many fruits and flowers. With the presence of other certain terpenes, Limonene can be an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-depressant and anti- carcinogen. It can synergistically promote the absorption of other terpenes by quickly penetrating cell membranes. The result can be increased systolic blood pressure. Since Limonene is such a potent anti-fungal and anti-cancer agent, it is thought to protect against aspergillus fungi and carcinogens found in cannabis smoke streams!
-Linolool- floral (spring flowers), lily, citrus and candied spice. Possesses anti-anxiety and sedative properties (also in lavender).
-Myrcene – clove like, earthy, green-vegetative, citrus, fruity with tropical mango and minty nuances. The most prevalent terpene found in most varieties of marijuana, it is also present in high amounts in Mangos, hops, lemon grass, East Indian bay tree, verbena and Mercia. Myrcene is one of the most important chemicals used in the perfumery industry. Because of its pleasant odor, it is occasionally used directly. It’s a building block for menthol, citronella, and geraniol. It possesses antimicrobial, antiseptic, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-carcinogen, anti depressant, anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxing effects. Myrcene affects the permeability of the cell membranes, allowing more THC to reach brain cells.

-Pinene- Alpha: pine needles, rosemary Beta: dill, parsley, rosemary, basil, yarrow, rose, hops, the familiar odor associated with pine trees and their resins. It is the major component in turpentine and is found in many other plant essential oils including rosemary, sage, and eucalyptus. Pinene can increase mental focus and energy, as well as act as an expectorant,
bronchodilator (the smoke seems to expand in your lungs), and topical antiseptic. It easily crosses the blood-brain barrier where it inhibits activity of acetylcholinesterase, which destroys acetylcholine, an information transfer molecule, resulting in better memory. It may counteract THC's activity, which leads to low acetylcholine levels. Largely due to the presence of pinene, rosemary and sage are both considered "memory plants." Concoctions made from their leaves have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine to retain and restore memory.
-Pulegone- mint, camphor, rosemary, candy. It is implicated in liver damage in very high dosages. It is found in tiny quantities in marijuana. Pulegone is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. That is, it stops the action of the protein that destroys acetylcholine, which is used by the brain to store memories.
-Sabinene - Found in oak trees, tea tree oil, black pepper and is a major constituent of carrot seed oil.
-Terpineol- floral, lilac, citrus, apple/orange blossoms, lime. It is a minor constituent of many plant essential oils. It is used in perfumes and soaps for fragrance. It reduces physical motility 45% in lab rat tests… Couch-lock effect?

Synthetic Cannabis alternatives:
-Marinol, synthetic THC, contains no terpenes… hence little medical value
-Sativex maintains a strict ratio of THC and CBD but also maintains a strict ratio of certain terpenes, yet the company doesn’t mention what the actual concentrations of terpenoids might be. Probably still not the same profile nor medicinal benefits as the whole cannabis plant.
Try at home!
-Inhale the aromas prior to consumption. Break up the bud, releasing volatile terpenes and INHALE deeply through your nose. Wait 5 minutes and you will maximize the benefits from that bud.
-Eat a Mango 1 hour before consuming Cannabis. Mangos are high in Myrcene which increases the effects of THC. Especially if it’s a less potent strain, you should notice more of a “zing”…

This article was compiled and written by Josh Vogeler
A Titanic Killer Queen Incident
By: Subcool

Imagine youre 18 years old, riding along on a nice spring day on your new Honda CBR 600 sport bike. You down shift to make a sharp right hand turn in the city and run head-on into a huge city bus that has drifted over into your legal lane of traffic. In just an instant "BAM your life is changed forever. This is what happened to my friend "Titan" a few years back. The bus was forced to swing out wide into his lane and since it was a blind corner, Titan never saw that his lane was blocked. In a Coma for some time the legal system rolled right over this young man and he received no compensation for this life changing accident other than the insurance that covered a portion of his medical bills. Paralyzed at the T5 vertebrae with loss of function from his upper chest down, my little bro is now confined to a wheel chair for the rest of his life. The injury did not however dim his amazing spirit or passion for life. Titan is a very accomplished musician and a very exceptional grower. I am sure he faces some heavy demons in the wee hours of the night, but his warm smile and his inner passion is contagious to everyone fortunate enough to be around him.
I would like for any anti- medical cannabis person to explain why this young man should be denied any form of relief available to him? For sure he faces challenges most of us couldn't even begin to imagine. If a natural plant can give him some pain relief and possibly a good night sleep, who has the right to prevent him from using anything to get through the day? People that say medical marijuana is just an excuse should be forced to spend a month in Titans chair!
I first met Titan on the internet in a marijuana forum, when he responded to a few of my DIY threads, asking me to clarify a few points I had made. He was eager to learn and very respectful so it wasn't long before we became pretty good friends.
I learned of his accident and while I watched people complain about the normal challenges of life I saw Titan operating a medical grow-op from a wheel chair. I bitch about my work while I am able to walk around on two feet, but this young man does everything that all growers do while only being able to move the top 1/4 of his body. The words, I cant are not in Titans vocabulary it seems. So the next time youre having a bad day just deal with it as Titan does every day!
In the summer of 2009 MzJill and I attended the Seattle Hempfest and we invited many of our online internet fans to come hang out with us. Hempfest in Seattle has been a very safe place for us and one of the best gatherings around. On a Saturday afternoon our tent was raging with old friends and new fans, I was talking and sharing full melt bubble and in the middle of this commotion of melting bubble and swirling smoke Titan rolled up. Titan is a Rasta and he has some bad ass duds but what I noticed was an amazing warm cherub smile. I was in the middle of a conversation with others and I stopped in mid sentence to give my little bro a big hug.
He hugged me back and then proceeded to pull out a jar of Pandora's Box, a strain he had grown out from my seed. It was the best sample I had seen at Hempfest all weekend and in the top 5 samples Ive saw all year.
Regardless if he likes it or not I kinda adopted Titan as my little bro and we have become good friends over the last year. He showed me pictures of a cutting he grew out and it looked really fire. He told me it was a Killer Queen female he had received from a friend as a clone.
I am always on the lookout for exceptional Cannabis, I have said many times some of the best medicine is held by private growers in small gardens all across North America. Because of the variation in Cannabis it is common for many growers to have different cuttings of a strain and each to be very different from the other. Many collectors will run across a strain and after one look decide that its not what they are looking for, but I know that selection is everything. A grower who is really in touch with the plant will most likely do a better job of selection than someone who is strictly driven by profits.
Titan and I agreed to swap some genetics and since we are both legal its completely safe for us to trade clones with each other. However, pests are always a worry so I put the two Killer Queen clones through a strict quarantine before transplanting and then later taking cuts from healthy fresh growth.
I pretty much ignored the plant until just before harvest when I noticed her literally dripping with resin. While the plant had a high leaf to pistil ratio every surface was glistening with trichomes. At week 7 I did a sniff test and wasn't all that impressed mainly picking up a G-13 odor, which I am not a fan of. I did a small report on what I saw stating that I did not think it looked to be a keeper strain. Only a week later I re-inspected to find a completely different smell. In that short seven day period the fruitiness of the Cinderella-99 seems to come through. Killer Queen is a hybrid made up of G-13 and Cindy99 and according to the phenotype chosen each female can exhibit traits from mom, dad or both. I have grown out a Cindy Dominant female before but she was not as potent as this plant.
The first surprise was the ultra white bubble the sugar leaf produced when it was run through a set of Bubble Bags. The water hash came out almost completely dry and was very pure, being the color of sheet rock mud and bubbling completely leaving no residue when burned. The second surprise was how potent the dried buds are, this is not creeper weed and one hit smacks you clearly between the eyes and sets you back in your seat. For someone whos job is describing the subtle nuances of the smell and taste of weed I struggle defining this one. As my back was starting to hurt a few moments ago, I took a break to medicate on some Killer Queen. MzJill, Dioxide (my card holding friend & TGA partner), and I all took turns trying to describe the unique smell of this amazing dank pot. I smell some sort of exotic spiced tea and Jill smells Champagne, Dioxide says it reminds him of some fancy designer candle with a fragrant smell like artificial pineapple. It is a very pleasant smell to a smoker but it is hard to put into words the exact smell and taste.

Titan is coming for a visit soon and I can't wait to get his opinion of the buds I grew from his clone. I am also happy that we put a clone of this lady into our library because recently Titan lost his due to an outbreak of mites. We will have a healthy clone waiting on little bro as soon as he arrives along with a phat bonghit & a huge hug!
Medical Marijuana has many faces; I wanted to introduce you to one of the faces that has touched my life.
As Titan would say; Jah Bless


Titan is the man. Happy to say he's been reunited with his Killer Queen these days.