Subcools pandoras box and Jillybean


Well-Known Member
Garden Update: All plants have finally been fed a healthy portion of Botanicare CNS17 grow. I did choose 3 plants 1 from each strain feeding it with an organic mixture from roots organics. Here are some random picsof the women. All but the jillys are 22 days old the jillys are 21 days all from seed. Oh and all jillys were topped at 4th node same as the PB and 3D few select PB and 3Ds got topped at the 3rd node, for comparison.



Well-Known Member
These pictures here are all of the top canopys of the Jillys, a few number of them are growing a tad bit slower, I think thatwas do to some bad ph in the beginning. Anyhow the bigger ones here did get fed a good 5 days before the smaller ones and within the 5 days they totally blew up seriously. Check them out this is about a week and half or whatever afetr the first pictures of them were taken.



Well-Known Member
Pandoras box: here are just a few of the Pandoras they look bad in these pics they are actually really starting to thicken up really nicely. They were wuite small in the beginning but after their first feeding they plumped up immediately within about 2 days they really started to look alot better. Last pic is just showing the spacing on the plant. Bit of a bad pic but what can I say. The last Picture is of my Roots Organics fed PB shes really a bute. She got fat really fast like almost overnight, sickning.



Well-Known Member
All 4 pics are of my 3rd dimension. They are topped and just got their 1st feeding, as of 3 days ago these little women were little, no shit these things reacted so quickly to the feeding it was amazing. #1 is going to be the 1 3D that will be fed organically. All of them seem to be very close in height, spacing and leaf size.



Well-Known Member
All in all I will say at this point I am very happy with these beans. Ive only lost 1 pandoras box at seedling and other than that had 100% germ rate. Each strain seems to be stable as far as structure, and If Im rite Ill end up with 1 JB dad 2 PB dads and 1 3D dad I have a gut feeling about this. lmao, well see how the female to male ratio turns out. I went in the room today and I can already start smelling the women, smells like fresh marijuana. I could have swore today I smelled something very fruity come off 1 of the jillys, Im gettin excited. Keep posted I will go into flower in about 1 week or so maybe longer. Haze


Well-Known Member
Your babies look great haze. It won't be long and you'll be smellin oranges off those jillies.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Looks like the party will be starting soon! Most of my TGA strains showed sex at about 5 - 6 weeks from seed. Ended up with two thirds female. I only had one Jillybean to work with and it turned out to be the heavier yielding, nice top colas, sweet orange-vanilla selling pheno. Loaded with trics. You will get to see the different phenotypes. Thats cool.

Looking great! Keep up the good work!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words and the information on the strain.Everyone, Im 24 days in and was wondering when they would show me some preflowers. Im going to start training them tonite or tomorrow before putting them in flower in the next 2 weeks. Anybody know what the stretch on any of these strains are when they flower?? Ive heard the Candy store pheno is taller and thinner leaves, any sure answer on this?? And also anybody know all the good phenos involved with these strains??


Well-Known Member
Ok Ive been promising some pics so heres a little update on the women. First off I think I have 2 males out of the 39 seeds that made it out of 40, within those beans had a 100% germ rate!! Indeed its beautiful. I put the women into a 32 hour dark period to see if I could speed up the inducing on the flowering. They are in their 2nd night of flower tonight. Half has been fed their bloom nutes and the other half tomorrow. Any questions or comments feel free. Ill take some better pics here in just a few days, I had more but some did not come out.


Well-Known Member
so many different phenotypes of jillybean

cant wait to see how yours turns out

they look very healthy

happy growing mane


Well-Known Member
These next few pics are just random garden pics. Just to show a comparison on 5 days worth of growth is.These pictures were taken 5 days after their 1st feeding.Few select plants got a first feed of M.O.A.B I believe its 0-30-52 fed at 5 ml per 5 gallons. Well see how they take I think most were Jillybean and 1 was 3rd dimension.Haze2



Well-Known Member
Last but not least I took some pics of my Jillybean that has been fed organic nutrients, All roots organics and she was fed her 2nd feeding of bloom nutes and along with some added Ultra snow storm from humboldts own 0-0-3. 5 ml per her gallon. The last picture is just a jillybean not the same Jilly but I want to see what the difference if any after feeding the MOAB! Haze2



Well-Known Member
Why thank you HC!! Women are really starting to bush up and starting to show our first signs of female hormones. On on more note thanks for the kind words and I will kepp you all posted on the grow. Haze2