Well-Known Member
So how do all of you guys keep from getting bugs in your soil mix? I'm so scared of getting fungus gnats, spider mites and all the other bullshit crawling around outside in my soil as it bakes, that would be so much $ wasted.
I do have a small balcony upstairs I could fit a tub on to bake the soil so it wouldn't be at ground level but still, would that be enough? Also i recently lost a whole vegging crop to roots aphids i got from dirty clones so i never ever ever ever want to go through anything like that again.
I am not sure why people seem to create problems.
I have been using super soil for 10 years now and I have lived in 3 states and 2 countries.
I have always stored it outside.
Its soil it may have some pest if so you control em simple.
Nothing really predatory will just crawl into the dirt those things eat plants.
Root avids can be killed with a simple drench this is farming gang its takes a bit of thinking
