Subcool's Super Soil

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So how do all of you guys keep from getting bugs in your soil mix? I'm so scared of getting fungus gnats, spider mites and all the other bullshit crawling around outside in my soil as it bakes, that would be so much $ wasted.

I do have a small balcony upstairs I could fit a tub on to bake the soil so it wouldn't be at ground level but still, would that be enough? Also i recently lost a whole vegging crop to roots aphids i got from dirty clones so i never ever ever ever want to go through anything like that again.

I am not sure why people seem to create problems.
I have been using super soil for 10 years now and I have lived in 3 states and 2 countries.
I have always stored it outside.
Its soil it may have some pest if so you control em simple.
Nothing really predatory will just crawl into the dirt those things eat plants.

Root avids can be killed with a simple drench this is farming gang its takes a bit of thinking :)

To Sub a good read again thanks. I picked up some JTR last year at the Cow Palace I have three seedlings now that will be going outdoors eventually in some SS in the ground with a twist. Well to all in the Bay Area there is a store in Berkeley on University that has all the ingredients for the mix. dirrrtyd
Almost two weeks for me. I poured it out and remixed it on day 7. I had some nice "spiderweb" growth on it and no smell. I had to add some water as well.
"this is farming gang its takes a bit of thinking

You mean creepy crawlers and microscopic bugs live outside?
They might get in the soil and on the plant?
Hey Sub, huge fan! Took me a while but I FINALLY read through the 111 pages. I hope I'm not repeating something that I should have gleaned from an earlier post, but I'm going to run a super soil grow soon and I was wondering if you thought a sweetener made of seaweed, magnesse, cranberry-seed extract and molasses would make for a good flowering additive. A friend of mine swears by this stuff and I'd like to give it a try, but I'm paranoid about doing anything other than just watering!
sounds like a good way to burn a nute sensitive plant in SS. Most people just water, and use a carb late in flower. feel free to experiment though, thats the only way to know for sure.
This is yet one more Soil Mixing tutorial. This one is going to focus on making a batch in the city while keeping it neat and tidy. First we use a tarp and a sheet of plywood under so the shovel will slide easily as we mix and scoop.

Here is the recipe to make this concentrate!
You cannot grow plants directly in this super concentrate!

6 Bags Roots soil or equivalent high quality supped up grow soil
Note**I am trying a new product made by a local company that contains less fir bark called Harvest Moon
25 pounds Pure Worm Castings
½ cup Azomite trace minerals
2/3 Cup Sweet Lime IE Dolomite
1 Kilo Bone meal / IE 5 Pounds
1 Kilo Blood meal ( I use a bit more bone than Blood in this recipe)
1 Kilo Bat Guano bloom formula preferably Fruit bats
3/4 cup Epson Salts
The Perlite and Coco I happen to have and it will make a better mix but it is not necessary.

First we take the tarp and the Lucky rug and lift the edges to form a 2 sided pan.
So now we put on the muck boots these help me kick the soil around and get it mixed up well.

So lets make a nice pile of Roots soil.
We layer the ingredients so they can be mixed well.

Contuing to build my montain behind the fence I built just for stuff like this

Hey, just wondering if I could use super soil mix as amendment outdoors, soil is mainly loam, just wondering at what ratio would mix super soil with regular ground soil. Also, could alfalfa meal, kelp meal replace blood and bone meal. Just that animals dig around in blood meal when I use it. Also should babies be started in similar base soil minus the rich additives? Any response greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hey Sub, huge fan! Took me a while but I FINALLY read through the 111 pages. I hope I'm not repeating something that I should have gleaned from an earlier post, but I'm going to run a super soil grow soon and I was wondering if you thought a sweetener made of seaweed, magnesse, cranberry-seed extract and molasses would make for a good flowering additive. A friend of mine swears by this stuff and I'd like to give it a try, but I'm paranoid about doing anything other than just watering!
Sounds just like sweet leaf and thats the same as bud candy use it just like the thread says
Hey, just wondering if I could use super soil mix as amendment outdoors, soil is mainly loam, just wondering at what ratio would mix super soil with regular ground soil. Also, could alfalfa meal, kelp meal replace blood and bone meal. Just that animals dig around in blood meal when I use it. Also should babies be started in similar base soil minus the rich additives? Any response greatly appreciated. Thanks

SS cannot be used as your base medium. you could use it outdoors, but you are setting up alot of variables, which somewhat steers away from the original plan using a high quality organic as your base soil, such as roots organic.

essentially, it can be done, just like anything can be done. its just not the way subcool teaches it.

edit: didnt answer your other questions, oops!

dont mix and match the it exactly how he says and you wont have any problems. steer from the recipe, you are now creating your own soil, and cannot compare it to the SS recipe when trying to determine problems and solutions with ur plants. Keep it simple, stick to the recipe, dont sub out or replace ingredients.

veg in regular roots organic, transplant after preflowers show into your 7gal finish container with 30% SS in it.....then flip to flowering and let the fade run.
Man I can't wait to mix up some of this stuff. I got a recipe from a buddy that he uses but it contains alaskan fish ferts and I noticed it was said that the alaskan fish ferts are no good so I'm gonna go ahead and go with this recipe. Just out of curiousity what is it that's so bad about the fish ferts (besides the obvious nasty smell) ?
Soil is way to messy and takes long to harvest. If your looking to only harvest 3 -4 times a year MAXXXX then go ahead with soil. If your looking to do around 8-10 harvest per year go hydro SOG. Works great if your looking for residual harvest. If your looking for the most potent stuff i would then suggest to use canna coco. That shit is unreal.
Soil is way to messy and takes long to harvest. If your looking to only harvest 3 -4 times a year MAXXXX then go ahead with soil. If your looking to do around 8-10 harvest per year go hydro SOG. Works great if your looking for residual harvest. If your looking for the most potent stuff i would then suggest to use canna coco. That shit is unreal.
another stranger that is confused about how threads work...but welcome to RIU anyways
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