subs supersoil

there's gotta be a better video/source of info. on his recipe than that video. he doesn't reall go into much detail on amounts etc. and not everyone needs a trailer full. the super secret ingredient, hummm. i remember long ago i asked him about the mix, i i wonder if the secret isn't fritted trace elements.....
Hi guys, long time lurker 1st time posting. I was wondering if you guys could give me some adivce. I plan on running my first outdoor/greenhouse grow and need some help with this super soild. Not so much an understanding of it but more of an idea on how about getting it and making it. I plan on running 25-30 plants in 200 gallon smart pots (maybe even 100g) and if I do so I will need about 6000 gallons of SS. What is the best way do you think I should go about gettin this much? should I go out and make it or can i order it up from TGA? I dont really have a problem with making it except I have no where to store it and let it "cook" because of the wether conditions im goin to face months leading up to summer. Any advice would help. Thanks
Hi guys, long time lurker 1st time posting. I was wondering if you guys could give me some adivce. I plan on running my first outdoor/greenhouse grow and need some help with this super soild. Not so much an understanding of it but more of an idea on how about getting it and making it. I plan on running 25-30 plants in 200 gallon smart pots (maybe even 100g) and if I do so I will need about 6000 gallons of SS. What is the best way do you think I should go about gettin this much? should I go out and make it or can i order it up from TGA? I dont really have a problem with making it except I have no where to store it and let it "cook" because of the wether conditions im goin to face months leading up to summer. Any advice would help. Thanks
If you follow the recipie, do some research and add some other things pre mixed cant touch this stuff, neither can hydro. Check out the soil threads, buy a couple cheap plastic garbage cans and rock on, dont over think it brother, all the work has been done except mixing it.

Going back and reading your post to me... have some follow up questions if you don't mind.

Can explain what these are in relationship to how you described them as "a good dynamic accumulator" to be added to my mulch?

I am up on the rice hulls for aeration however I learned something recently and the science makes since. Rice hulls are a carbon, if one is to add a 1/3 carbon to their soil mix whereas the other 2/3 are peat moss and humus \ compost. This 1/3 aeration is a source of food for our soil web and will be consumed ultimately in the process of doing soil nitrogen will be depleted from the soil in the process. I am told to prevent this one must SOAK the rice hulls in a high nitrogen source to ensure that nitrogen deficiencies will not occur. It was suggested to me to use fish hyrdosilte or alpha meal. Do you soak yours? Have you seen nitrogen deficiencies where you may not have using perlite? Don't get me wrong the perlite is on its way out. I did pick up a bag of pumice medium #2. My pots will be a little heavier unless I go with 70\30 rice hull to pumice mix.

I've got alpha, kelp, crab meal and oyster shell, I also have basalt, greensand and humic acid. I can get glacier dust if need be.
Concerning the clover seed anything in particular? I will be ordering from here...

Anywise I am on board with all this, will be creating documenting journal to share....


  • It says to not put clones straight into super soil but what if I'm getting teens and then vegging them for another 2 months is top soil before their placed in the super soil. So essentially they'll be vegged for 3-4 months before they go outside on may 1st? Can i put them into straight SS or still only fill half of the container?​


  • It says to not put clones straight into super soil but what if I'm getting teens and then vegging them for another 2 months is top soil before their placed in the super soil. So essentially they'll be vegged for 3-4 months before they go outside on may 1st? Can i put them into straight SS or still only fill half of the container?​

When transplanting, fill bottom half with SS, add mycro's (great white or anything you have) to soil where roots will come into contact. Use organic potting soil such as roots or black gold to fill the upper half. If you have some EWC top dress with that and water.

Only young plants such as clones and seedlings in their first weeks of establishing root growth should be left out of SS. Once they have established at last three good node sets of leaves and about 6 to 8 inches should be established enough to be transplanted to pot with SS on bottom half and normal organic potting soil on the top.

Hey all I got a question. I'm very limited so please bare with me. What ratio do you mix manure/compost to potting soil? I got this and Vigoro potting soil. I appreciate any input.

*Update Another thing is manure/compost hot by itself. The reason I'm asking is that I have clones also 3 females in 2 week of bloom that need to be trans planted ASAP, (they must be root bound).
What he said,,,,,veg them right , then i put peat around the root ball and worried , in days the roots where popping out of the bottom of the pot.
When transplanting, fill bottom half with SS, add mycro's (great white or anything you have) to soil where roots will come into contact. Use organic potting soil such as roots or black gold to fill the upper half. If you have some EWC top dress with that and water.

Only young plants such as clones and seedlings in their first weeks of establishing root growth should be left out of SS. Once they have established at last three good node sets of leaves and about 6 to 8 inches should be established enough to be transplanted to pot with SS on bottom half and normal organic potting soil on the top.

Hey guys, How big are those bags of soil? 70L? 18Gal? Trying to scale this down.
Gonna have to narrow that down a bit, what soil? Super soil is a mix you do yourself , so you can make as much as you need. Two 30 gallon garbage cans went really fast.
Cow manure isn't recommended by Sub is it? I have been amending with more of my own vermicompost , kelp, alfalfa, oyster shell, rock dust and neem seed meal. I also believe that you should blend in the carefully measured SS in the whole container. I do not use as much SS this way and I also feed the plants one time per week with worm compost tea. 500 ppm in veg and 850 ppm in flower for my Chemdog strains.
Ok, i just want to get some clarification. I have read through the thread and the only question i have using this soil is i have babies that are already well established in 1 gallon buckets that need to be transplanted. They are all at a minimum of 6 inches tall and most taller already. Very well established rootballs on them. When transplanting i plan on vegging for a couple of weeks. How much supersoil to regular soil should i be putting my buckets? Still half and half?
subs recipe is awesome!! ive heard some people had not so great results. somewhat strain specific but ive only produced the best with that recipe
No nutrient lines. Ocassionally I water with an aact or a nutrient tea if I see a deficiency before the last 2 weeks of flowering.
I have some super soil cooking now and I'm vegging in 3 litre air pots with young 5 day seedlings. Question is should I be ph'ing my water before i transplant into super soil pots?? Also can i use some organic root nutes? I have critical kush and the stems are purple and have heard it's PH problem, deficiency or genetic.. I've seen pics of this strains seedlings and they are green.. I've been watering with unph'd water is this the reason? What do you guys do to keep plants healthy before transplanting? When do you transplant? I was going to wait until the 3 litre is full of roots but not sure how long that will take? And I'm finishing in 20 litre air pots with super soil..