Concerning Clover is something I can transplant from my yard into my pots? Is there seed for clover?
If you follow the recipie, do some research and add some other things pre mixed cant touch this stuff, neither can hydro. Check out the soil threads, buy a couple cheap plastic garbage cans and rock on, dont over think it brother, all the work has been done except mixing it.Hi guys, long time lurker 1st time posting. I was wondering if you guys could give me some adivce. I plan on running my first outdoor/greenhouse grow and need some help with this super soild. Not so much an understanding of it but more of an idea on how about getting it and making it. I plan on running 25-30 plants in 200 gallon smart pots (maybe even 100g) and if I do so I will need about 6000 gallons of SS. What is the best way do you think I should go about gettin this much? should I go out and make it or can i order it up from TGA? I dont really have a problem with making it except I have no where to store it and let it "cook" because of the wether conditions im goin to face months leading up to summer. Any advice would help. Thanks
When transplanting, fill bottom half with SS, add mycro's (great white or anything you have) to soil where roots will come into contact. Use organic potting soil such as roots or black gold to fill the upper half. If you have some EWC top dress with that and water.
It says to not put clones straight into super soil but what if I'm getting teens and then vegging them for another 2 months is top soil before their placed in the super soil. So essentially they'll be vegged for 3-4 months before they go outside on may 1st? Can i put them into straight SS or still only fill half of the container?
When transplanting, fill bottom half with SS, add mycro's (great white or anything you have) to soil where roots will come into contact. Use organic potting soil such as roots or black gold to fill the upper half. If you have some EWC top dress with that and water.
Only young plants such as clones and seedlings in their first weeks of establishing root growth should be left out of SS. Once they have established at last three good node sets of leaves and about 6 to 8 inches should be established enough to be transplanted to pot with SS on bottom half and normal organic potting soil on the top.
Gonna have to narrow that down a bit, what soil? Super soil is a mix you do yourself , so you can make as much as you need. Two 30 gallon garbage cans went really fast.Hey guys, How big are those bags of soil? 70L? 18Gal? Trying to scale this down.