@subcoolgrower thoughts on the buildasoil article? We know your out therrrrreeee. No one is trying to knock anyone's hustle and I give the man props for putting together his own "blend" that seemed to work for him and some others.
I just simply would like to know his response to thoughts that someone has learned from a lot of the people we also call mentors. Coot, mofo ect.
I used subs soil when I first started out, a lot of people have because he gave his information away for free, unlike many others so mad props to the man for that. But, we also didn't have much else to try and since a lot of us were learning we leaned on a mix that seemed to work.
Well, it did for a little and then not at all for me. I struggled w what I was doing wrong and it made me a better grower because I had to research a lot more. Again, props to you sub, not even trying to sound like a dick cuz I'm sure you would tell me that you were hoping to get everyone thinking about what a mix is and to experiment w what worked for them, well at least that is what I would hope you would say.
All that aside, I'm just looking for reasons behind his specifics. If you are specific about something, I'd just like to know why. When someone that knows a little about no til gardening and just organic farming in general, has legitimate claims against something, I'm just curious as to the response. Not about calling a man out.
If your shit works, and you stand behind it, this shouldn't be a very hard question to answer.