Substitutes for CAL-MAG?


Well-Known Member
What's up everybody? I went to flower on May 26th and last night I noticed a few leaves turning yellow with brown spots. They are low on the plants not at the top. Other than that my untrained eyes think the plants look great. I think though that I may need Cal-Mag. Right now I have four ladies and two use Fox Farm Ocean Forest and the other two use Detroit Nutrients Water Only soil. I use Natures Pride Bloom as a top dressing along with Floralicious, Recharge, Mighty Bloom and Molasses. I filter my water with a pure filter at the tap. Usually when I want something I go to the local hydro store and get dragged through the mud from a salesman trying to sell me the everything in stock, soooo. Is there a DIY Cal-Mag, is there some other way to get these nutes? I think I read that egg shells helped with calcium, but if I dropped eggshells in there tonight how long would it take to be effective? My ladies need it meow! I'm not trying to be cheap, I just don't want to have a situation like when I wanted molasses. The salesman was all up into the $25 to $45 range, while Walmart was $3.99. Oh also I would rather not use a foliar spray, I don't want nothing on my buds but air and opportunity.
Use the search function and try things like "diy calmag" etc. there's a thread on here with a couple solution recipes in it. I got by using chelate iron(gallon jug labeled "liquid iron"), calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate. All bought at local hardware stores for less than $35. I used about $0.50 of it(dozens of gallons of plant ready solution) before ordering calimagic. If I where to guess,, I'd say I have enough to make a thousand more gallons. But the hassle of thoroughly mixing it all ain't worth it.. Ideally you want magnesium nitrate and not sulfate, but not an absolute necessity