Substitutes for mylar and etc...


Well-Known Member
What are some good substitutes for mylar? How and what can I make a homeade reflector of? Can mirrors be used instead of mylar???



Well-Known Member
Flat white paint would be the better choice for mirrors cause hot spots when light reflects off them.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree and disagree with the Growspecialist. First let's agree (that's always nice!), I'll admit that I have used aluminum foil on occasion, mostly for temporary hook-ups or years ago for full time reflection. Let's all say it - "Hot points schmot points!". I have never suffered from a hot spot from using foil - nor have I ever heard of anyone that actually did suffer from a hot spot cuased by foil (I think it's one of those bull shit legends!). The reason not to use it is because it's just not that reflective. Although it does look pretty shiny it's only something like 60% reflective (which is kind of wierd because the best reflectors are made with aluminum inserts aren't they?).

Now about the mirrors. The light has to travel through the glass, then bounce off the very reflective "silvered" back, then once again through the glass. There are no hot spots reflected by a mirror because there are no "wrinkles" in a mirror. But from what I've read - mirrors are less efficient than aluminum foil because they are made of thick glass that sucks up the light photons. But I'll have to admit - they look like they would be the best choice - I was surprised when I found out!

Mylar and "Space Blankets" are about 95-98% reflective and plain old "Flat White" paint is about 85-90%. But the paint might be a better choice considering it's a bitch to follow contours, on a reflector, with mylar.

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
see the stuff in my pic its what i use i get it at home depot comes 4x8 ft sheets its insulation wit shine shit on awsome ive had good luck with it been using it for 2 years now.000_0088.jpg


hi just my 2 cents worth,used white flat paint which worked well but now mylar always got turned off by mirrors because they may not be as efficent as what they might seem,but they do make your room look bigger and if you put them on the roof and break out the video camera they might let you get freaky with them.


Well-Known Member
i use that shiny insulation.. it serves 2 purposes then insulation and reflection.. so you get your money's worth from it


Active Member
Theres this stuff they sell at our local hydro store that they are pushin pretty hard. it's like kind of rubbery and it's black on one side and shiny white on the other. It's tough as shit and wont tear. it's also like 1/5 the cost of mylar. Dont remember what it is called though. I'm using it and it's much more reflective than white paint, and cheaper and easier to use than mylar


Well-Known Member
Theres this stuff they sell at our local hydro store that they are pushin pretty hard. it's like kind of rubbery and it's black on one side and shiny white on the other. It's tough as shit and wont tear. it's also like 1/5 the cost of mylar. Dont remember what it is called though. I'm using it and it's much more reflective than white paint, and cheaper and easier to use than mylar

is it panda film