SUCCESS!!!!! (I think)

So I've been trying to make fem pollen in order to breed and make feminized seeds and fem auto flower seeds

This was my first attempt and I think these are balls!!!! My first female cannabis testicles!! I started spraying late but kept at it 2-3 times daily. Thought the branch was a goner until now and found them appearing in at least 4 spots. This all happened overnight



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You're using Colloidal Silver I assume? 2-3 times a day is more than what I do (once per day), but it worked, so awesome!

How do you plan on processing the pollen? Is the plant in an area by itself, or will you remove the plant/branches somewhere else until they drop pollen?
Thanks spek, yeah im using homemade CS.

I have no idea how to proceed from here to be honest. I planned on clipping the branch and removing it from the grow room all together. I think I read somewhere to drop in water until the pollen sacks open, then collect, and dust onto bud site with a small paint brush.

Could really use advice on what to do now.
This was a strain im WAAAAAY too flush with (Cannatonic CBD) but used it as a test plant because trashing it wouldn't be an issue. It was the last of my beans but now I'll be able to pull about 8oz. off the plant along with seeds for future use.

Also thought about crossing this with other plants to make CBD strains of those (ie Gelato CBD, Pineapple Express CBD, etc)
Thanks spek, yeah im using homemade CS.

I have no idea how to proceed from here to be honest. I planned on clipping the branch and removing it from the grow room all together. I think I read somewhere to drop in water until the pollen sacks open, then collect, and dust onto bud site with a small paint brush.

Could really use advice on what to do now.

If I'm doing a full plant, I move the pollen plant to a separate cabinet that has a couple of CFLs in it (a closet, or even the corner of a room will work, just make sure it's away from any other plants). I put bristle board on the floor, and cut a piece for the top of the pot that goes around the main stalk. I then just let them open, and process from there.

For a branch or two, I just cut them off the main plant a few days before the sacks open, put them in a vase with water under a CFL, again on top of bristle board to collect the pollen as it falls.

I mix my pollen with 2/3 baking flour. Binds to the pollen to minimize it floating around. I then use a paint brush to paint the budsites of the plants I want to seed.
This was a strain im WAAAAAY too flush with (Cannatonic CBD) but used it as a test plant because trashing it wouldn't be an issue. It was the last of my brans but now I'll be able to pull about 8oz. off the plant along with seeds for future use.

Also thought about crossing this with other plants to make CBD strains of those (ie Gelato CBD, Pineapple Express CBD, etc)
In no way shape or form am I a breeder.. but I aspire to be one and have done some studying..

That said...
What I think you'll end up with is a hybrid between thc dominant and cbd dominant. Not sure of the generations so I wouldn't dare estimate how many times you'd have to backcross and/or IBL to stabilize them after the first cross. You'd definitely wanna get it tested if you're trying to eliminate the THC. Not saying it's impossible at all. Also not saying it doesn't sound like an awesome plan. But I am saying it won't be a CBD strain after that first pollination.
In no way shape or form am I a breeder.. but I aspire to be one and have done some studying..

That said...
What I think you'll end up with is a hybrid between thc dominant and cbd dominant. Not sure of the generations so I wouldn't dare estimate how many times you'd have to backcross and/or IBL to stabilize them after the first cross. You'd definitely wanna get it tested if you're trying to eliminate the THC. Not saying it's impossible at all. Also not saying it doesn't sound like an awesome plan. But I am saying it won't be a CBD strain after that first pollination.

Oh im perfectly cool with a blended CBD/THC breed and fully expect it to cut initial potency in half.

IE, This Cannatonic is about 6%THC/10%CBD and the Gelato is about 20%+THC/0.1%CBD....... id expect those crossed to have offspring around 13%THC/5%CBD. I know it doesn't work like that in theory but it'll be fun to smoke regardless. LOL
If I'm doing a full plant, I move the pollen plant to a separate cabinet that has a couple of CFLs in it (a closet, or even the corner of a room will work, just make sure it's away from any other plants). I put bristle board on the floor, and cut a piece for the top of the pot that goes around the main stalk. I then just let them open, and process from there.

For a branch or two, I just cut them off the main plant a few days before the sacks open, put them in a vase with water under a CFL, again on top of bristle board to collect the pollen as it falls.

I mix my pollen with 2/3 baking flour. Binds to the pollen to minimize it floating around. I then use a paint brush to paint the budsites of the plants I want to seed.

How will I know when the pods are about to open and would be a good time to clip branch and remove from the room?
Those are balls.

I don't think that branch is ready to be cut yet. There is ball development but it's not substantial yet. Cutting too soon could keep the pollen sacs from maturing.

The thing with doing just one branch is that it's still attached to the plant. If you cut the branch too early the pollen might not mature but if you leave it to long pollen can be released before all the sacs mature. I've found that planning on making a reversal for feminized seeds starts with taking 2 clones of the donor plant or using 2 seeds of the same strain to make fem seeds of that strain. That way you have both a donor and a recipient of the fem pollen. These plants don't need to be large and I typically grow them in 1/2 gallon nursery pots. Then it's easy to isolate the two in a small space with minimal light.

That CS sure did a number on that plant didn't it. But at least it worked. I've done quite a few reversals and one thing I can say is that the STS method is the way to go so if you're going to be doing this with any regularity I would suggest looking into STS. $50 to have the chemicals to do hundreds of reversals and you just mix as you need.

Good luck
Those are balls.

I don't think that branch is ready to be cut yet. There is ball development but it's not substantial yet. Cutting too soon could keep the pollen sacs from maturing.

The thing with doing just one branch is that it's still attached to the plant. If you cut the branch too early the pollen might not mature but if you leave it to long pollen can be released before all the sacs mature. I've found that planning on making a reversal for feminized seeds starts with taking 2 clones of the donor plant or using 2 seeds of the same strain to make fem seeds of that strain. That way you have both a donor and a recipient of the fem pollen. These plants don't need to be large and I typically grow them in 1/2 gallon nursery pots. Then it's easy to isolate the two in a small space with minimal light.

That CS sure did a number on that plant didn't it. But at least it worked. I've done quite a few reversals and one thing I can say is that the STS method is the way to go so if you're going to be doing this with any regularity I would suggest looking into STS. $50 to have the chemicals to do hundreds of reversals and you just mix as you need.

Good luck

Thanks!!! Yeah the first batch of CS was made wrong but I used it on this plant anyways. The liquid was dark grey, had nasty crap floating everywhere and permanently stained the jar black. Since then, I've made a new batch correctly which looks more normal. I'll do full clones like you mentioned on my next go around, which I'll actually start spraying tonight. Just wanted to get the process down first.

So do I stop spraying it at this point??
You could always just place a clear bag tightly around the branch and tape it shut. I've seen people sex this way with dark bags.
So do I stop spraying it at this point??

I can't say. I haven't used CS for years and then it was only a couple times before I switched to the STS method. But if I remember you still need to spray for a while after the first sacs appear. Someone else with more experience with CS can give you a more definitive answer. But with STS you spray a few times over a couple weeks and you're done.

I am a little concerned about how successful this is going to be as there doesn't seem to be that much male growth and the health of that branch is severely compromised. I hope you end up with viable pollen but there is a chance you won't. Not trying to be a downer but some of the early sacs may not contain viable pollen or any pollen at all. They can be duds which is why you want robust development of male flowers.

Here are a couple reversals I've done. There is significant development with male flower parts on healthy looking plants. I'm not seeing that on that branch. There are pollen sacs forming but not that many. Getting viable pollen from what's there is not guaranteed. But like you said you just wanted to get the process down. You still need a healthy plant to have the best results. I think the branch is compromised. It's been fried somewhat and that's going to affect the growth of male flowers just as it has the growth of the foliage. Hopefully you get enough viable pollen to make some seeds.

Using the STS method.


You could always just place a clear bag tightly around the branch and tape it shut. I've seen people sex this way with dark bags.

You could introduce too much humidity that could compromise the pollen with moisture. Although, that is a method used to pollinate branches of female flowers. The pollen is put in a bag and the bag is then secured to a branch. I do it with other plants like corn as well. You have to be careful as pollen will float around as if it's lighter than air. When I pollinate a branch or two on a plant I cover the rest of plant with a large garbage bag as I pollinate. Which is why using smaller plants is beneficial as it makes it easier to isolate specific parts of the plant.
You could introduce too much humidity that could compromise the pollen with moisture. Although, that is a method used to pollinate branches of female flowers. The pollen is put in a bag and the bag is then secured to a branch. I do it with other plants like corn as well. You have to be careful as pollen will float around as if it's lighter than air. When I pollinate a branch or two on a plant I cover the rest of plant with a large garbage bag as I pollinate. Which is why using smaller plants is beneficial as it makes it easier to isolate specific parts of the plant.
If you'll excuse me... I just became extremely interested in corn sex :o I never even thought about this! Now I gotta go see what male and female corn looks like.
If you'll excuse me... I just became extremely interested in corn sex :o I never even thought about this! Now I gotta go see what male and female corn looks like.

Actually corn is monoecious and has both male and female parts on the same plant. Like a hermaphrodite cannabis plant which is monoecious as well.
So I cut the branch and put it in the window sill in a cup and bag. Some pods looked like they were about to pop


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