Sucessful Cloning


Well-Known Member
I have taken cuttings, made fresh underwater cuts at a 45 degree angle... dipped them in Schultz rooting hormone powder, and had no success cloning. I am using a razor blade for the cuts... 7 days after they're taken they have developed no roots whatsoever. Is there a better light cylce for clones that I'm unaware of? Is there any way to get a result? Heard putting the clippings end into a cup of water and letting it sit there til it gets roots is one method, roughly how succesful is that?


Well-Known Member
I have taken cuttings, made fresh underwater cuts at a 45 degree angle... dipped them in Schultz rooting hormone powder, and had no success cloning. I am using a razor blade for the cuts... 7 days after they're taken they have developed no roots whatsoever. Is there a better light cylce for clones that I'm unaware of? Is there any way to get a result? Heard putting the clippings end into a cup of water and letting it sit there til it gets roots is one method, roughly how succesful is that?
some strains can take longer for the clones to take, what sort of light are you using, what temps. How long is the light on for and when did you take the cuttings.


Well-Known Member
From the sounds of it, I would say that your taking the clones right but its the aftercare where your going wrong, this can be fixed quite easily.

I ran some tests a while back to see what clones root and what doesn't and what can kill a clone.

It's not just as simple as 5 images.


Well-Known Member
I have taken cuttings, made fresh underwater cuts at a 45 degree angle... dipped them in Schultz rooting hormone powder, and had no success cloning. I am using a razor blade for the cuts... 7 days after they're taken they have developed no roots whatsoever. Is there a better light cylce for clones that I'm unaware of? Is there any way to get a result? Heard putting the clippings end into a cup of water and letting it sit there til it gets roots is one method, roughly how succesful is that?
misting really helps! :peace: I don't think clones need that much water right away


Well-Known Member
so can you clone now? what was the problem??! :peace:
The OP was from this morning, so if he has manged to cut and root some clones in a few short hours I am claiming him a god. In any case I feel your pain, I started a few threads on different methods I have been trying. So far success has been minimual, each attempt produce a slightly better result the last. I am learning :)

I dont know if you can gather anything from this, but here is two methods I have tried

I had a little success with the 2nd and could of done better with the first. My problems like yours occur in the 2nd phase of the process.


Well-Known Member
kiss dude -keep it simple not saying your stupid but the simpler you keep it the more success you will have! good luck it's all about trial and error!